The video, in this post, is a great argument against abortion. Now, in addition to this video and others, like it, the Right has a strategy that shows concern for the "wanna-be unborn mother," and public opinion is on their side.

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<<<<    Here is a 33 minute, anti-abortion video.  This sort of rhetoric and historical review,  has been the only weapon used,  by the anti-abortion lobby, since Roe v Wade was passed into law.  It (the video) is quiet good.  But the unwanted-baby-hating-Left,  has arguments in place,  to deal with what is said in the video.  Now,  the Right has something, the Left is not prepared to deal with   ---   its called "popular opinion."  

(Excerpt taken from The   Last November, a new law went into effect in Texas: abortion clinics would now be required to have an agreement with a local hospital so that patients needing treatment could be transferred.

Now that sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

Sounds “reasonable” because it is reasonable.  These are “restrictions,”  they are “health and welfare standards.”  So the “don’t wanna-be mother”  has a serious problem during an abortion,  yet,  the clinic she is in,  has no agreement with a local hospital,  for such emergencies  -  should that be corrected? 

Perhaps, until you consider the fact that it caused one-third of health centers to stop providing abortions. Women in the Rio Grande Valley now have to travel hundreds of miles (if they're lucky enough to have the transportation and resources) to get access to a safe, legal abortion.

Again,  the only argument for maintaining all existing abortion clinics, is that those who cannot or will not meet specific health standards,  must close UNTIL they bring their facilities up to par.  AND,  the Supreme Court has deemed this,  fair and reasonable,”  so it is,  now, the law of the land.  Clinics,  in the future,  will meet these standards,  so what is the fuss?    
The Texas legislature has become an extreme example of new restrictions on abortion continuing to sweep statehouses in 2014, and the particulars buried by all those Wendy Davis profiles showcase a slick new tactic of the pro-life movement: a requirement for admitting privileges. At first glance, that kind of rule appears designed to protect women's health – to have an abortion provider make an arrangement with a local hospital in case of an emergency seems harmless, even helpful.
But this law, like so many others in the works, also imposes all kinds of obstacles to providers and clinics actually gaining these privileges.

They are only “obstacles,”  because up until now,  the abortion rights movement has shown no real concern for the health of a woman during her abortion.    Sorry, but THAT is not a good thing,  and reveals the abortionists for what they are:  politically driven with no concern for either the unborn or its host “parent.” 

The end result: abortion clinics are shutting down all across the country. And because the (often Evangelical) bill-crafting language is so deceptively reasonable and so effective at defusing public outrage, we might not even have noticed that our constitutional right to safe and legal abortions is being steadily eroded.

So the Marxist/Socialist/Secular world hates “Evangelicals” and wants to  blame all this on them.  Seriously?  Look, the Evangelicals I know,  do not believe in compromise,  when it comes to the war against abortion.  This is NOT their idea.  And that is why it is agreeable with the public and Constitutionally,  sound.  

Here is a 33 minute, anti-abortion video.  This sort of rhetoric and historical review,  has been the only weapon used,  by the anto-abortion lobby.  It is quiet good.  But the baby-hating Left,  has arguments in place,  to deal with what is said in the video.  Now,  the Right has something, the Left is not prepared to deal with   ---   its called "popular opinion."  


  1. Yes, I'm glad you admitted that the anti-abortion movement is primarily religious ... as it is in other societies that oppose women's rights.

    What are the regressive societies that oppose women's reproductive rights? Primarily Muslim theocracies like Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Taliban in Afghanistan. You are definitely in appropriate company, Smithson. You're as backward and theocratic as they are.

    Thanks for proving this to us. We all need to know and learn how dangerous lawmakers are who believe they are 'on a mission from god'. Remember 9/11.

  2. In your list, you left off Hitler's Germany.

    Secondly, I admitted nothing. The anti-abortion strategies have been driven by the Evangelical community, but millions and millions of non-evangelicals have supported the anti-abortion, pro-life position.

    And you think caring for the health and welfare of the "wanna-be not-the-momma," is dangerous? Think "Kermit Gosnell" while you pretend to care about women. You oppose doing anything about Gosnell's abuses. Sad.

  3. The abortion rates have been going down the past 3 years because of the Dems efforts to cover women's health needs and Planned Parenthood providing contraception. The Rethuglicans have consistently railed against these efforts to decrease abortion.

    Stupid. Blinded by their fundamentalism and their need to control women.

  4. 1.6 million abortions in 2011, our latest confirmed numbers. 21% of all pregnancies end in legal abortion. The rate has come down, somewhat, but a million aborted babies, most of these being normal pregnancies, is a million deaths. You claiming that decreasing abortion rates is the doing of the abortion mills and lobbyists, is like saying, "Deaths due to Nazi death camps have gone down, radically, over the years - obviously due to the fact that Nazi Germany has changed its policies regarding the use of death camps."

    The fact of the matter is this: the lower stats PROVE the effectiveness of the anti-abortion efforts and we will never stop. Life trumps convenient abortions (abortions for non-health reasons).

    I think it is funny, in a very sad sense of that word, that you believe "family planning" includes killing off unwanted offspring. Geeeeesh.

  5. Maybe you can help for your fetus fetish. The concept that "an acorn is equal to a tree" is irrational and obviously tied to a religious concept - shared with your fundamentalist brethren - the Taliban and Muslim fundamentalists. Look around fool. Every industrialized nation in the world protects women reproductive rights. Only ass backward regressive theocracies that try to control women are out to prevent reproductive rights. You are judged by the company you keep... the Taliban.

    Pro life,my ass.... these are the same people who start wars, torture and ignore the needs of poor children to fill the pockets of the wealthy. Leave NO CEO Behind!

    Pro life,my ass....

    " Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren’t they? They’re all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you’re born, you’re on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don’t want to know about you. They don’t want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.

    Conservatives don’t give a shit about you until you reach “military age”. Then they think you are just fine. Just what they’ve been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life… pro-life… These people aren’t pro-life, they’re killing doctors!"

  6. Quote from G. Carlin
