Latest Quinnipiac Poll, April 3, has ObamaCare down 55% to a positive opinion for ObamaCare set at 41%. Could it be that voters have already made up their minds? If so, you know what this means for the Democrats. (no article but see our "comments")

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  1. Every poll ever taken ...Americans oppose Citizens United. So, America is being bought by the oligarchy against the will of the people. How's is that Democracy?

  2. I don't believe in "democracy" and neither does your side of the aisle, when it fits your purposes. The difference between you and me? I believe in "representative democracy," a politic that allows for the expression of rights for minorities. You believe in a collectivist (a.k.a. Marxism) version of democracy that keeps opposition minorities from exercising their rights.

    "Democracy" is the rule of the majority. As a nation, we do not have this "system" of governance. THAT's why, Citizen United is so important. For years and years, corporations were ordered about by a government that refused to give them a voice in the political process. That arraignment is "tyranny" when applied to those individuals or groups that are victims of this world order.

    "Corporations are people, too" was the expressed idea that came from the Supreme Courts Citizen Untied decision. Whether you agree with the "people" aspect of that decision, the fact remains that corporations are members of our free society. Refusing to give them their voice (as expressed in political contributions) is Fascism, pure and simple. 50 years ago, the majority opinion protected the system of slavery that existed in this country, or the refusal to allow women to vote. These are examples of “democracy.” So, why were these practices overcome? Because minorities have rights. To argue that corporations do not have rights, would delete labor unions and teacher associations, from donating to the political process. If they can give, there is no reason to forbid OTHER corporations.

    Your use of "oligarchy" is humorous, given the Leftist reality. Democrats with their profound alliance with the national media, labor and teacher unions, and Big Money Socialists such as Bloomberg, Gates, Buffet, Steyer, Pelois, Reid, the Obamas (who, at least, act like they are multi-millionaires), 90% of the trial lawyers of America, and the millions of dollars in time and free propaganda coming out of the Hispanic Media, manage to raise three times the money the GOP and conservatives raise.

    Take your argument elsewhere. It is nothing but applied Marxism.

    Talk to you later, Comrade.

  3. Comrade.... you mean Fred Koch whose family fortune administered by his sons buys your elections and politicians ... whose fortune came from Stalin and the worst communist regime in history?

  4. Now, you are just making up stuff.

  5. Oh yea? Are you denying Fred Koch made the family fortune by building refineries for Stalin? Isn't your google working today? Just as Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis. Nice heritage you have therre.

  6. Fred was one of the founders of the John Birch Society, hardly a Stalinist. He came up with refining procedures that could have been used by evil people, I don't know. But none of this has anything to do with David and Charles Koch. Heck, all of your family practiced slavery and murder in the name of the KKK. Do I, then, conclude that you are a bigot and a murderer?
