H Obama, a man with absolutely no financial background, either academically or in real life, a man who could not garner a single vote for his budgets in 2011 and 2012, has the gall to make fun of Paul Ryan's budget. Why not have a debate?

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President Barack Obama compared the Republican budget plan unveiled by Rep. Paul Ryan this week to a "stinkburger" and a "meanwich" during a speech Wednesday afternoon in Michigan. 
Referencing his own trip to a local deli in Ann Arbor earlier in the day, Obama offered his suggestions for the name of the GOP budget plan. 
"If they tried to sell this sandwich at Zingerman's they'd have to call it the Stinkburger or the Meanwich," Obama said.    Read the full article at Business Insider, here.  

Editor's notes:  Here is the funny part:  In 2011 and 2012,  Obama's budgets were voted down with a "zero" yes vote total.  His own party would not vote "yes" on his expressed ideas  -  not even Pelosi or Reid.  His budgets lost 99 - 0 and 97 - 0 in the Senate,  and 414 to 0 in the House during this time.  Imagine that - the genius of the Progressive Movement in America,  could not garner a single vote for his budgets. How bad does a bill have to be to not receive a single vote from members of your own party?  
As it turns out,  H Obama is a smooth talking but uneducated man and these congressional votes prove the point  . . . . . . .     beyond any serious debate.  No wonder his school transcripts from high school through his graduate years at Harvard or closed and off limits to public scrutiny,  as if we cannot figure out the truth,  without those documents.  

  1. Senate rejects Obama budget in 99-0 vote | TheHill


    The Hill
    May 16, 2012 - Obama's 2012 budget failed 97 to 0 last May after Obama himself last April said he ... Ron Paul back in Congress to debate defense authorization ... “And today, they soundly rejected the president's budget proposal which ...
  2. Obama budget defeated 414-0 - Washington Times


    The Washington Times
    Mar 28, 2012 - President Obama's budget was defeated 414-0 in the House late Wednesday, ... through its own fiscal year 2013 budget proposal, written by BudgetCommittee ... CHOUGULE: Obamacare's four years of failure .... And for those playing along at home, in violation of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. 37

    1. Consistency: Obama budget fails to get a single Democratic vote .. 97 - 0


      Hot Air
      Mar 29, 2012 - Obama ignored the report completely and instead proposed a ... a row that Obama's budget couldn't win a single Democratic vote in Congress.

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