A brief review of Obama's more epic failures:

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Add to the following frame, the absolute fact that he has failed in his efforts to curtail evil in Syria,  stop or even try to prevent Iran's march to a nuclear weapon, the sad and inhuman issues of the moron that is  North Korea's dictator,   Yemen its unwitting support for al Qaeda, Islamic terror in North Aftrica,  his desertion of a free Ukraine and Crimea and his abandonment of the Czech Republic and Poland.  Let's not forget his epic failures in Libya and Egypt, his support for a failed communist take-over in Honduras,   the fact that he is the first president in American history to a pay a ransom for hostage release  (17 hostages in Egypt and the 5 million bucks Obama paid for their release),  his failure to continue a victory in Iraq and his laughable "war" on terror in Afghanistan,  and his inability to control the (15)  scandals effecting his Administration at all levels,  and you have what we have,  today.


  1. After 5 Years

    The DOW
    Jan 09 .... 7,949
    Now .... 16,480

    Jan 09 .... 7.8%
    Now .... 7%

    Jan 09 .... - 5.4%
    Now .... + 4.1%

    Jan 09 ... 9.8%
    Now .... 3.3%

    Jan 09 .... 37.7%
    Now .... 70.4%

    Game over - Bush screwed us and Obama has just begun to repair the damage

  2. And to think, that the Democrats controlled congress in 2007 and 2008, ran all congressional committees, had oversight of the banking and lending industries, and successfully prevent Bush from repairing the lending practices that bought us into recession. Bush was one man. The Democrat congress could have prevented all of the recession, if they had wanted to do that.

    Real unemployment is 12.8%; 11 million Americans have left the workforce (a record); the labor participation rate is at 62.8%, the lowest in 40 freaking years, our public debt is at 110% of our GDP; the average GDP for the past three years has been less than 2%; and 61% of this nation believes Obama is a liar.

    Are things getting better? Of course. Capitalism will always find a way - but none of this is due to either the Dems or Obama.

    Understand one thing: it was the Progressive's program of Affordable Housing that sent us into recession . . . . period and Obama wants to reconstitute that program !! Ain't going to happen. The banking industry is tired of being played by this moron.
