A boy among men: 42% of military approves of Obama. Under Bush? That number was a plus 65% approval !!

Obama is a commander of men,  and I am Mother Teresa.  He is full of compromise;  has no idea what "victory" means in these modern times (his words).  His rules of engagement have killed countless hundreds of our soldiers.   His threats to the enemy are proven "empty,"  and his desertion of military benefits and promises for the increased care of those who serve our country at minimum wage,  is treasonous.   

Worse,  he does not believe America should be the world's only "super power," that the military is his military and is best suited for domestic control of a population that despises his tyrannical presidency.  That he has not used the military in this respect,  is not proof that the assumption is wrong,  btw.  



  1. When I was in school, the guys that went into the military did it to stay out of jail, they weren't smart enough to get into college. Not surprising they represent the conservative branch of youth... don't know much about anything 'cept guns. Lower intelligence = conservative = regressive

  2. School? You talking about grade school, Slick ?? I'll put my money on a Navy Seal or a fighter pilot or a military strategist or a trained, volunteer soldier, lying in a ditch somewhere, fighting and even dying for unappreciative scum such as yourself - I will put my money on them any day of the week.
