$700 million dollars later, and 4500 campaign events in just 30 days, all needed to make the goal of 7.1 enrollees - and now we are learning that number was a lie.

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Free Beacon:   President Barack Obama contended that the government did not “make a hard sell” for Obamacare, despite his administration spending nearly $700 million to promote the law.
“We didn’t make a hard sell,” Obama said in the Rose Garden on Tuesday, praising the 7.1 million sign ups for the Affordable Care Act. “We didn’t have billions of dollars of commercials like some critics did.”
Editor's note:  First,  $700 million is a full court press,  in anyone's book,  especially when you couple that to 150 events (donated commercials,  interviews,  OFA and SEIU local and community canvasing,  and all those stupid cartoons)  advertising ObamaCare,  every day for the 30 days before April Fools Day,  the day ObamaCare sign-ups ended and the program officially began.  
That's $700 million,  and I'll wager the truth is closer to a billion dollars,  money taxpayers had to shell out for this idiot's bill.  Question: if  "everyone"  is so excited about this bill,  why did they have to work so hard,  coming up with the lie of   "7.1 million ?"


  1. How much longer can you keep lying and ankle biting? Is that the way you want to be remembered ... a lying ankle biter?
    Maybe its a pathological denial.

  2. Name the lie. I have asked before, but you refuse. Talk about "pathological!!"
