The two elections cycles and what the near future holds for divided governance (a good thing).

The two charts (below) are based on actual reported and vetted numbers.  2012 has not yet been vetted in terms of accurate and/or official numbers.  In the two charts,  you are looking at two different election cycles  (emphasis on "election cycles"), the midterm and the presidential election cycles.  The spite in the 1996 presidential cycle was the youth vote for Bill Clinton.  The 2008 spite for 18-29 years was,  of course,  for Obama. When combined with the other three age groups,  the Democrats has a nominal, modern day,  edge in the presidential elections of 3 to 5 points.  But that edge is lost when the midterm elections roll around.  In 2010,  the conservative and GOP vote saw nearly 800 local and state positions flip to the GOP side of the aisle,  with the GOP capturing or continuing 30 of the 50 state governorships.

It may prove true,  in the near future,  that we see a divided governance based on the two very different election cycles.  ~ all comments above are of the blog editor's.

Charts from Sabato's Crystal Ball.


  1. Smithson has proved himself to be only interested in polls that show a skewed result that he favors. Smithson's poll citations are usually BOGUS.

    Yes, we remembered when you touted Gallup and Rasmussen and you totally discounted Nate Silver, CNN, and others that you didn't believe in '12. Gallup was the worst, off 7.2%, Rasmussen off 3.7% - both Republican biased.

    CNN nailed it. Their margin of error was just 0.6% - toward the Republican side!

  2. The charts above are not "polls," Moron. They represent statistical voter stats. No wonder you refuse to deal with the actual issue of any post written on this blog.

    Guessing who is going to win an election is not a science. But your side did not see Scott Brown's victory nor the landslide elections of 2010, an election cycle you all pretend did not happen.

    Rasmussen leans to the Right, while Gallup, Pew, the Ap/USA Today polls, anything coming from the NYTimes or the WaPost and polls such as PPP and Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight and anything coming from network news (ABC,CBS, NBC) are all Left leaning and defenders of the Marxism as collectivist/World Without Borders phenom. All of these polling concerns have accuracy issues . . . . . . all of them.

    BTW, have you made note of the number of times I have quoted either Rasmussen or Karl Rove? Rove = zero. Rasmussen = twice (since in the 1.5 years since the 2012 elections.
