Over the weekend, GOP Senators admit there is little to nothing they can do to stop Obama’s dictatorial use of presidential powers.

Editor's notes:  Of course Congress can do something about a rogue,  wannabe dictator,  but first,  it must let go of its concerted effort to destroy the teaparty influence in Congress - and,  at last count,  there are 162 Constitutional conservatives counted in both houses.  On the other hand, the teaparty crowd needs to learn when to compromise and stop wasting the opportunities given to it to win national elections and fight with power,  on another day.  

Washington Republicans on Sunday restated their argument that President Obama has violated the Constitution by using executive orders to alter the Affordable Care Act but acknowledged they likely have no recourse or ability to stop another incident.

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, . . . . . . . .

. . . . .    told “Fox News Sunday” that congressional Republicans think the president abused the government’s separation of powers by using the executive orders to sidestep Congress and delay the law’s employer mandate.  

However, he said critics would be challenged to win in court because Congress lacks the so-called “legal standing” to present the case and they would have a “tough time” finding somebody hurt enough by the delays to be a good plaintiff.

“The president knows this is wrong,” said Lee, among the most outspoken ObamaCare critics. . . . . . .  (read the rest of the story here).  

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