Obama's new Secretary of State, John Kerry, admits to the failure of negotiations regarding the Palestinian Authority/Israeli peace process.

Netanyahu and the PLO's Abbas
Breitbart.com points us to a story in the Jerusalem Post,  detailing the reason for the Obama/Kerry failure in meeting an April 29 deadline for the announcement of a peace treaty between the two enemies.  As it turns out,  Palestine continues to refuse to recognize Israel as a free and independent state, killing the peace process.  Obama was openly and arrogantly critical of Bush with regard to peace between Palestine and Israel.  Now,  five years later,  he is more a failure in this regard than was the Bush Administration.  
Prime Minister Binyamin on Monday attacked Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for his refusal to recognize Israel as the Jewish state.    "The chairman of the PA was quoted today as saying that he is not prepared to recognize the Jewish state. And this comes with him knowing that there will not be an agreement without recognition of the nation state of the Jews," Netanyahu said at the Likud faction meeting.     ________________________________________________________________________________________

After five years,  Barrack Hussein Obama has absolutely nothing to show for his Middle East policy.  He has failed with regard to Iran,  Egypt and Libya.  His policy “death spiral” began with Obama's decision to ignore the "status of forces" treatise between Iraq and the US,  a treatise calling for the continuation of as many as 50,000 American forces in Iraq following the victorious conclusion of America's drive to push back on al Qaeda.  

Understand that Bush with his  war in Iraq,  a five year war that killed 40,000 al Qaeda related forces,  succeeded in 8 of his 10 benchmark goals.  Leaving troops in Iraq was critical to continuing the effects of the Bush victory.  But,  Obama was more concerned with manipulating events in Iraq,  framing that war as a terrible and unsuccessful episode in American military history,  and Bush as the evil mastermind of that episode.  Truth be told?  Rush won the war and Obama intentionally gave it away. 

As a result of this manipulation,  al Qaeda now has a strong foothold in that country,  much stronger than before 2003.  Iraq is now being used as a staging area for al Qaeda and Iran's terrorist ambitions into Syria,  where 160,000 people have died because of the terrorists' incursion into Syria. 

Obama backed off his "red line" threat as to the use of chemical weapons in Syria,  and turned the whole matter over to Putin and the Russians.  As of the past week,  we know that Syria has discontinued only 4% of its supply of weaponized chemicals.    

And now, we have John Kerry admitting the Obama peace negotiations have or are failing.  Geeeesh.  

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