Obama's new Secretary of State, John Kerry, admits that Obama's war on al Qeda is failing.

<<<  Kerry back in the day when he was busy accusing his Viet Nam buddies of war-time atrocities;  back when he threw his military medals away only to sneak back and retrieve them, and, John Kerry,  candidate for President  . . . . .  a traitor to the military,  seeking to become its Commander in Chief.  Is he turning on Obama?  

In a story carried by Bloomberg,  we learn that the Obama peace deal with Syria,  you know,  the one that resolved the issue involving the use of chemical weapons  . . . . . .   yeah,  that one   . . . . .   well it is falling apart;  something that the Right has been predicting for months.  Keep in mind that all of these conclusions,  are issues foreseen by Sarah Palin,  Rush Limbaugh,  and others,  ridiculed by the Left as "subversive" and,  even,  ignorant.  Wonder what these Leftists think of Kerry, now that he has come out of the closet on these matters?  

In reading the article,  we learn that two prominent Republican senators say that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told them -- along with 13 other members of a bipartisan congressional delegation -- that 

A.  President Barack Obama's is in need of a new, more assertive, Syria policy; 

B.  That al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in Syria pose a direct terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland; 

C.  That Russia is arming the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and is generally subverting chances for a peaceful settlement; 

D.  That Assad is violating his promise to expeditiously part with his massive stores of chemical weapons; 

E.  That it may be time to consider more dramatic arming of moderate Syrian rebel factions.

Understand that all of the above are conclusions drawn by John Kerry and,  as such,  should bear a great deal of influence in the minds of those who are not total robots for Obama.  

And there you have it,  our Syrian policy is in chaos,  as was our Libyan and Egyptian policies and our feigned support of Israel.  

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