My open letter to The - Why I do not intend to continue my membership:

The teaparty has abandoned the primary and first goals of winning back the Senate and,  then the presidency.  I am as "teaparty" as they come,  but I think it plain stupid to push another debt ceiling fight that we cannot win,  just to make a point AND risk losing the Senate in the next election.  Principles be damned until we are in power then "balls to wall."   The movement has been taken over by Santorium like opportunists who could not win an election to get out of the bathroom.  Very disappointed in what I see as teaparty "strategy."  

I write a free political blog,  as a citizen journalist,  and have done so since 2008 (just celebrated my 1.3 millionth "hit" last week).  I am a retired building contractor and have the 10 hours a day to do what I can.  I am as well informed as most,  and know what I am talking about.  I do not think the stand Cruz and Lee took was in vain.  162 congressmen voted with them  -  but they still lost.  Now that they have given it the old college try,  a new strategy is in demand.  

Let me know when you all wise up.  

J Smithson
Midknight Review - new and revised.

-----Original Message-----
From: Todd C. <>
To: John <>
Sent: Fri, Feb 14, 2014 11:19 am
Subject: Final deadline

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