Please excuse a couple of unpleasant swear words, as you read, but I really get angry when thinking about what an absolute mess, Obama has made of everything he has touched. For heaven sakes, would you all stop with the partisan crap of "my president is better than your president," and, admit he is in, way over his head. Hillary once made the point (in 2008, talking about Obama's potential presidency) that serving as president is a terrible way of getting experience as a national leader. She was right, of course. and would have made a far better president than what we have, today ~ editor.
Indeed, Obama has been irrelevant since March 23, 2010 and the signing of ObamaCare. He has not gotten one important thing done, since, either domestically or internationally.
As far as your list of notable terrorist deaths is concerned, you forgot to add in the 32 American soldiers (17 of which were Navy Seal Team Six members) who were slaughtered by hand held rocket fire 12 weeks after Obama and Joe the Blow identified Seal Team Six as bin Laden's killers. What about the Pakistani doctor who helped locate bin Laden? You remember him? He was left behind and totally deserted by Hussein Obama and is now lost to the world, as he serves out a 30 year prison sentence in the hands of your Muslim friends. Or what about the dozen or so "CIA Yemeni operatives" Obama outed as he and morons like you, bragged about the "secret" missions they were on? What about Benghazi and the two remaining Navy Seal members fighting for their lives for 5 to 7 hours into the night, while their bullshit Command in Chief went to bed, all excited about giving a campaign speech the next day in Nevada? HE WENT TO BED, you dumb shit, while those men were alive and fighting for their lives for freaking hours, not knowing that no one in the Progressive Socialist Marxist One-World Utopian Imperialist Administration, could not have cared less?
Bush killed 30 to 40 THOUSAND radicals in Iraq, and a couple of hundred al Qaeda leaders in the five year, Iraqi war, and won that war. He just didn't run to the first open mic he saw, every time one of his secret missions paid off.
Back to your list: Osama bin Laden was irrelevant. He had been in hiding for a decade and had been replaced as leader, years and years ago. The others on your list, were not irrelevant. But here is a fact you refuse to admit: 2,000 soldiers have died in a war in which we got our asses kicked every way but loose. You and Obama have no measure for "victory" in that war, and no exit strategy exit except the coward's way of retreat. Killing a few terrorist leaders is not "winning the war." And Obama's drone strikes in Pakistan have murdered eight to ten thousand "by-standers" in the killing of some 40/50 Taliban leaders.
And what about the 90, or so, Americans killed or wounded in homeland terror attacks since Hussein has been our Overlord? Zero for Bush, but 90 for Obama, and I am not counting the attacks on our electrical grid, in 2013.
China has grown its army to nearly 3 million while Obama is cutting ours to 450,000 and a Navy fleet as small as in WW I. You think China is a friend to the world, moron? Is that what you think? When it comes to preserving our freedom, as a nation, in a world full of haters, you and your Marxist pals are a pathetic joke, and the real pisser in all this, is the fact that you all are going to get us all killed, in the process.
As far as your list of notable terrorist deaths is concerned, you forgot to add in the 32 American soldiers (17 of which were Navy Seal Team Six members) who were slaughtered by hand held rocket fire 12 weeks after Obama and Joe the Blow identified Seal Team Six as bin Laden's killers. What about the Pakistani doctor who helped locate bin Laden? You remember him? He was left behind and totally deserted by Hussein Obama and is now lost to the world, as he serves out a 30 year prison sentence in the hands of your Muslim friends. Or what about the dozen or so "CIA Yemeni operatives" Obama outed as he and morons like you, bragged about the "secret" missions they were on? What about Benghazi and the two remaining Navy Seal members fighting for their lives for 5 to 7 hours into the night, while their bullshit Command in Chief went to bed, all excited about giving a campaign speech the next day in Nevada? HE WENT TO BED, you dumb shit, while those men were alive and fighting for their lives for freaking hours, not knowing that no one in the Progressive Socialist Marxist One-World Utopian Imperialist Administration, could not have cared less?
Bush killed 30 to 40 THOUSAND radicals in Iraq, and a couple of hundred al Qaeda leaders in the five year, Iraqi war, and won that war. He just didn't run to the first open mic he saw, every time one of his secret missions paid off.
Back to your list: Osama bin Laden was irrelevant. He had been in hiding for a decade and had been replaced as leader, years and years ago. The others on your list, were not irrelevant. But here is a fact you refuse to admit: 2,000 soldiers have died in a war in which we got our asses kicked every way but loose. You and Obama have no measure for "victory" in that war, and no exit strategy exit except the coward's way of retreat. Killing a few terrorist leaders is not "winning the war." And Obama's drone strikes in Pakistan have murdered eight to ten thousand "by-standers" in the killing of some 40/50 Taliban leaders.
And what about the 90, or so, Americans killed or wounded in homeland terror attacks since Hussein has been our Overlord? Zero for Bush, but 90 for Obama, and I am not counting the attacks on our electrical grid, in 2013.
China has grown its army to nearly 3 million while Obama is cutting ours to 450,000 and a Navy fleet as small as in WW I. You think China is a friend to the world, moron? Is that what you think? When it comes to preserving our freedom, as a nation, in a world full of haters, you and your Marxist pals are a pathetic joke, and the real pisser in all this, is the fact that you all are going to get us all killed, in the process.