Bad news for the global warming/the sky is falling/give us all your money, crowd . . . . . .

Tibet with the Himalyans on the horizon.  

From the Guardian,  here,  we learn that the longest and highest mountain chain in the world,  has LOST NO ICE over the course of the past 10 years.  

And the on line library, presents the following abstract,  confirming The Guardian's conclusion.

ABSTRACT  Snow cover in the Himalayan–Tibetan region is highly variable in space and time, and influences the hydrology and climate at regional and global scales. Monthly MODIS snow cover and land surface temperature (LST) data have been analysed for the period 2000–2011. The details of the snow cover pattern during accumulation and ablation has been studied for the Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra river basins. These river basins have shown a unique pattern of snow accumulation and ablation. The Indus and Ganga Basins have shown high snow cover percentage than the Brahmaputra during ablation period. The maximum snow cover for the three basins altogether is approximately 85% of the total geographic area which reduces to approximately 10% during ablation. Accumulation and ablation variations are clearly depicted by the LST variations of the
Mt Everest in the Himalyas taken a few months ago.
respective basins. However, the Indus Basin has shown a unique increasing trend in snow cover, whereas the Ganga and Brahmaputra Basins have shown no significant trend in this decade. Snow cover for Tibetan region during March (accumulation) and September (ablation) months have not shown either increasing or decreasing trend from 2000 to 2011. Analysis of monthly average basin LST data has shown that Indus Basin experiences subfreezing conditions and delay in rise of peaks in comparison to Ganga and Brahmaputra which shows high LST during accumulation. This study shows that the Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra Basins have shown different patterns in the snow cover variations during the last 12 years.

Editor's notes: It seems to this civilian  (that would be me),  that if the planet is going "ice free,"  the "melt down" would begin at the highest of elevations.  Despite predictions otherwise,  it turns out that the snow pack in the highest mountain range is "down" one year and "up" another,  but,  all and all,  the pack is exactly what it should be  -  scare tactics from the Leftist/Looking for another reason to steal your wealth crowd.  


  1. It's like trying to talk to a creationist about science. Did you even read the headline? I know, it's so hard for regressives to take a global view beyond their narrow ideology and their ancient books of BS.

  2. So what, exactly, did you disagree with? You are losing the argument because your science is junk, and all your crisis projections -- all of them -- have proven to be laughable.

  3. My science? WTF? You mean NASA's science and the science of all world climate labs.

    you will always be a knuckle-dragging science denier. congrats.

  4. Yea, he won't believe evidence of the greatest research labs in the world including NOAA and NASA, evidence strong enough to force the military to create contingency plans to deal with OBSERVED climate change... yet he believes some garbage written and rewritten a thousand times by people in the Dark Ages.

    How's that for intelligence and critical thinking?
