What is an "anti-colonialist" and why has Black Liberation Theology become their religion of choice: the answer may surprise you.

<< Obama attended a Black Liberation church for 20 years and has never challenged its teachings  . . . . .  never.  

The Huffington Post carried this story.  This review blog does not feature stories about local politics,  as a rule,  and this story    about the mayor of New York is no exception.  I could not care less what New Yorkers and their socialist bent,  do in their own city.  But what is of interest to me,  is the heart and soul of the following.  Read it before going to my commentary: 

NEW YORK (RNS) — From its historic black churches to large Jewish enclaves to landmark Catholic and Protestant churches, New York City is the ultimate religious melting pot. And now, overseeing it all is a new mayor whose only religious identity seems to be “spiritual but not religious.”
Mayor Bill de Blasio is now perhaps the nation’s most visible “none,” an icon of one of the nation’s fastest-growing religious groups — those without any formal religious identification.

His election could reflect a new kind of American politician — one who is shaped by religion and religious values but is not expected to talk about or bow to religion as in years past, said Jennifer Jones Austin, co-chairwoman of de Blasio’s transition team and the daughter of a pastor.

“What drives him are his fundamental beliefs about liberation theology when it comes to social justice, our responsibility to care for all who are on this earth,” Jones Austin said. “I heard him on several occasions say ‘Amen’ when he felt very strongly about something.”

Editor’s notes:  Understand this from the beginning  (and I am a retired pastor),  so-called “liberation theology,”  is more properly named,  “Black Liberation Theology.”  Because some Jews accept its premise in their practice of secular Judaism,  makes little different as to the formal title of this religion.  In short,  BLT is a theological alternative to “the white man’s Christian religion.”  Their Jesus is black,  instead of “white” or Jewish,  and, with Liberation Theology,  the traditions of the 13 colonies,  “the colonialists,” are being denied by BLT ministers along with the founding documents used as a beginning for this nation  -  warts and all.  

Those who oppose the  and outcome of the 13 original colonies and their leadership (our founding fathers),  in today’s political economy,  are referred to as “anti-colonialists.”  This thinking and its associated rebellion,  is a fundamental part of a large minority – I said “minority” - of black America. 

The US Constitution is seen as a “white man’s document” and is being rejected in total,  by much of the black leadership in this country,  today.  Included in this conspiracy are the likes of Jesse Jackson,  Alvin Sharpton,  Barack and Michelle Obama,  Eric Holder,  Valarie Jarrett,  Obama’s minister of choice,  a man name Willis,  all of the 34 members of the Congressional Black Caucus,  and many notables within the entertainment and media communities.  Of course,  blacks are not the only ones espousing Liberation Theology,  but they are at the forefront of the current assault on traditional America.  Now is the time for their drive to force the white man to the back of the bus and they will not be satisfied,  literally, until that eventuality is achieved. 

n the story line above,  is a statement to this effect: the mayor has no intenstions of bowing to traditional religious values. 
His theology,  such as it is,  is “revenge” oriented,  as is the case with every black “liberationist” in this country.  But more than this,  Liberation “theologians” believe that social justice directives,  found in New Testament scripture,  are at the center – or should be – of American politics.  They see their “Jesus” as a political power,  rather than the “Son of God” who came for all and established his church for the purpose of social justice,  among other things.  As a result,  The Obama’s of this world ,  refuse to allow traditional religious America to participate in the revitalization of “poor” America while insisting on a political application of Christ’s message. 

Recently,  some blacks celebrated Kawanza,  a religious celebration begun in 1966.  “They” want you to believe that this is an ancient black celebration,  but,  in fact, it was founded by angry,  white hating, blacks,  who wanted a substitute for a “White Christmas.”  It is no mistake that this “holiday” takes places during the Christmas season. 

While the article wants the reader to believe that Liberation thinking is a populace trend into the future,  the fact of the matter is this:  when Obama is gone,  liberation theology  will return the halls antiquated thinking,  and the surge against Christian values will have seen its better days,  at least for a season. 

Understand this:  angry people will never take over this nation without a war,   and I mean a physical war.  We can only hope that this “surge” subsides before the violent Left takes over the movement. The ARE there,  waiting in the shadows. 


  1. Pushing the Fox News line to elderly white Americans ... BE AFRAID of the Blacks... They're coming to take what is yours!

    BTW... the Obama recovery is going strong:

  2. Three things: first, younger women (25 -40), college grads, are my largest audience. For that reason, I have toned down some of my rhetoric.

    And it is not "blacks" who need to be feared, but anti-colonial blacks, angry, white hating blacks, entitlement oriented blacks, the "cry baby" class of blacks who ALWAYS blaime "racism" when dealing with any of their problems, the "new" Black Muslims of America, and the pointie headed, Marxist oriented, academic black from Harvard and where ever, who need to be "feared." Most blacks I know or am aware of, are not "Al Sharpton's people." My complaint is with those who hate "white Christmas" and have branded our founding documents as "racist, the creation of the slave owners," forgetting of course, that most "slave owners" were Democrats or the forerunners of the Democrat Party TO THE EXCLUSION of the liberation party we know as the GOP, you know, Abe Lincoln and Martin Luther King's party.

    And finally, your “recovery numbers” are comparative numbers. In other words, job growth is up compared to 2005 numbers. Again, we are talking about the rate of job growth and not the number of jobs in existence. The problem with comparing today’s numbers to those of 2005 is this: in 2005 we were at full employment, with an unemployment rate of around 4.6%. We have 7 million fewer jobs than in 2005 with 11 million Americans still out of work. Our GDP carries a 4 quarter average of around or under 2%. In a true true recovery, GDP should be at 5 to 8 percent. In fact, the geniuses within the Obama Administration told us unemployment would be at 5% at this point in the “recovery” with a GDP of 5%. Neither estimate is close to reality. And within the black community, unemployment is at a record high while your president hits the golf course every 11 days and his “first lady” takes an extended, multi-week vacation, 5 stinking times a year. Your president does not come from Harlem, has never participated in the Civil Rights movement other than an occasional event attendance with Louis Farrakhan’s crowd, and has increased the plight of black America to an embarrassing level. Of course, the GOP has failed in this department, as well, and failed miserably.
