Here is THE question you will never see Climate Alarmists answer. Why? Because "global warming" is all about wealth redistribution to the exclusion of global warming/cooling trends . . . . . . period.

 <<  Too bad the big fellow does not know how to swim,  right? 

Eric Holthaus / Quartz:
How global warming can make cold snaps even worse  —  The cold air pushing toward America's heartland is of a duration and magnitude rarely seen since record-keeping began in the 1870s.  In Minneapolis, forecasters warned that all-time wind chill . . . . .

Editor’s notes:  read the article if you will,  but I have this question:  I would appreciate the Climate Alarmists sharing with the rest of us,  those criteria that would spell the end of “global warming?  I mean,   if cooling proves warming,  what are the criteria that tells us the “threat” has ended?  After all,  warming is a cycle.  How do we know that we have moved from one cycle (warming) to another?  


  1. Cold weather, cue the science denialists,
    It's practically a requirement of conservatives to deny evolution, climate change, and other forms of science because 1) they have a paranoid tendency to see conspiracy theories, 2) they are scientifically illiterate. But, when some pseudo scientist like Ron Wyatt claims to have found Noah's ark, watch the idiots fall in line.

  2. Not one intelligent word from you, only insults and pure bullshit and THAT is most upsetting to me. You are nothing but a one world communist sympathizer who cares nothing about true science, honest debate, this country as it was founded, and the values/principles that have and continue to make this the greatest country in the history of man.

    No wonder you and your comrades ALWAYS hide behind "anonymous," You despise the concept of God, preferring your own pathetic sense of "direction." You deny science in your claims for climate catastrophe, whether that is global cooling or global warming - you really do not care as long as it spells "crisis." You actually pretend to believe that a man can declare himself a woman and, wala, he is a woman. How much science is involved in that idiotic pronouncement? And yet, you pretend to believe in science.

    But what is worse, you have no concern for gays, or blacks, or the poor, or woman's rights. I know this because you have done nothing for the poor, have not supported a black president until the radical Obama, have done nothing to empower women as partners in the world in which they live, urging them, instead, to rebel against their "masters" and dedicate themselves in the cause for revenge.

    You think the abortion and murder of millions of viable unborn infants – most of them black and/or poor, is some kind of joke making you as much a low life as anyone in Hitlers army. I have no idea who Ron Wyatt is, but neither do you care about his work. You are as dishonest as any of this nation's external enemies and your comments, because of all of the above, requires no attention from me.

    You do not believe in the Founders, our borders, representative democracy, law and order except for those laws that provide you cover and opportunity to advance your godless, anti-American agenda. And, your ONLY defense to what I am saying, will be more slander, more insults, more of whatever needs to be said to avoid or minimize the truth of what I am saying. I don't care about Noah's Ark. I care about this country and you, my dear black(?), female, communist "friend," do not.

  3. I make note that your detractor did not offer the criteria you requested. I assume he did not because he cannot, proving your position, for the time being. Who knows, maybe some Lefty will venture into an intelligent discussion with you, but, is that really what "they" are all about -- the free exchange of ideas and sensible debate?

  4. Smithson is a dying breed ...fortunately. He represents a regressive mindset, a creationist science denier who calls himself a christian yet supports policies that are anything but. Policies that deny the elderly, and children food ... the least among us. Pope Francis gets it, Smithson does not. He is a shill for the corporate top 1% that have only greed in their motives.

    The Founders were largely Deist, Pantheist, Humanist - as were the most intelligent people - like Einstein and Jefferson. Smithson would have you believe that America is a white Christian nation - his narrow view of god and society. He spends all his time posting negative attacks on America and our leadership that is trying to move us forward after a disastrous Republican Administration bankrupted the country. A new and progressive future awaits. Smithson will die soon and not get to see it. There is a special place in hell for Smithson and his fellow liars, bigots, and ankle-biters.

  5. So, let me get this right: you don't believe in God but you believe in hell. Wow. Do you know who and how many of our founders believed in a "personal God" and Jesus as "Son of God?' Of course you don't but, yet, your ignorance on this point does not prevent you from your attacks. Do you think the Founders would have required that we all join a union, in order to hold a job? Think they would have supported making "free speech" contingent upon the notion of "correct speech" or that not one should be allowed to criticize gays and communists? Not a single senior or child has ever even gone hungry because of any of the policies I support, but your crowd banned DDT in Africa, of all places, and more than 20 million children, alone, have died there because of malaria. Let's see, you have killed 60 million viable unborn children in this country and another 20 million in Africa. What is it with libs? Why do you ALL think children are expendable? As far as me being a "shill for the 1%," I am a pure D middle class, hard working, fellow - but Obama and bigots such as yourself, would take my income, call me rich, and all because I am white. Drop dead. The "one percenters?" These are the folks you and I work for, you moron. The libs love to talk about a week without Mexican labor, let's try a month without any of the 1% and the companies they run. Let's try that. You are just being stupid, in your comments above. Not a work of truth and not even good lies.
