5 year celebration of the founding of the teaparty movement is being announced for February 27th.

 Breitbart News has learned that the Tea Party movement will celebrate its five-year anniversary with a blockbuster event on February 27 in Washington, D.C. that will bring together Tea Party conservatives in Congress with local activists and movement leaders from across the nation. 

The Tea Party Patriots will organize the event that will reflect on why the movement formed, the significant victories it has achieved, and the road ahead as it comes under assault by the institutional left and even the Republican establishment that wants to preserve the status quo. 

“It’s amazing to think of all the things we have accomplished in the last five years, but there is much more work ahead," Tea Party Patriots co-founder and National Coordinator Jenny Beth Martin told Breitbart News. "This event will be a great opportunity for assessment but more importantly to map out a strategy for the next five years and beyond.”

Speakers will include unwavering conservative Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), who knocked off incumbent Sen. Bob Bennett in 2010 to show the strength of the Tea Party, D.C; Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), who led the fight against Obamacare in the House; Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who has been a fierce opponent of amnesty; and Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Mark Meadows (R-NC), Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), and Matt Salmon (R-AZ). 

Other speakers will include Tea Party activists like True the Vote's Catherine Englebrecht, who was targeted by the IRS after she was involved in the movement; Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin, who has relentlessly organized on behalf of Tea Party conservatives across the nation; Tea Party Patriots' Keli Carender, who organized the first protest just 72 hours after Rick Santelli's rant that galvanized the formation of the movement; Breitbart contributor Michael Patrick Leahy, who organized the first call to coordinate efforts among various Tea Party leaders; and local Tea Party leaders like Mark Herr. . . . . . . . .  

Editor's notes:  Go to Breitbart.com for the "rest of the story" and the location (and particulars) for this event.  

1 comment:

  1. Let's celebrate the teaparty. The single most damaging group to the GOP. If it weren't for the extremism of the teaparty, representing the most ignorant science- denying hyper religious and least diverse group of Americans, the GOP would have more congressmen elected and less division in the party. Long live the 'baggers! They have helped America more than they know. You'd think they'd get a clue... their approval has almost always been in the 20s.
