<<< The picture shows four men and one woman - guess
which is which and, "no" I am not going to tell you if you
cannot guess (but she has a goatee).
Yes, all of these five transgendered folk are "perfectly normal" AND are being used by Obama to help sign up others into his ObamaCare program.
He actually believed that his "ObamaCare" strategy would bring America flocking to his cause and, his theory of fundamental transformation would, then, become an irresistible force, affecting the very fabric of American historicity (as a virus invades and destroy a health computer system).
In case you have not noticed, that fantasy is dead, and, now, he is having to hire folks to salvage that pathetic and failed premise while he pretends he is some kind of success as a reformer.
Just know that Obama is the first and only president in our history to hire members of his voting constituencies to help advance his domestic policies while, at the same time, virtually ignoring the function of diplomacy and any vital association with congress.
THAT is why he has only two major pieces of legislation to his name after five stinking years of do nothing self-glorification, "that" and his penchant for avoiding administrative work.
After five years, Barack has
a. amassed more than 150 trips to the links or 7 working months of playing nothing but games;
b. made more than 3600 speeches including fund raising appearances and "made for TV" appearances/interviews totaling more than 3600 such occasions plus travel time to and from; that's 3600 show stops in 1825 days of playing "president," or two show stops per day, for five years !
At "two show-stops" per day plus 7 months of playing golf, I ask you, when in the world did this impostor have time to actually do his job !!??
And the answer is . . . . . . . . . . . he didn't. There has never been a more self centered. golden tongued, get nothing done president in our history.
Because he did not have time to do his job AND follow his own self-serving playtime interests, he decided to work outside of his elected function and go directly "to the people," pitting America against itself in order to accomplish his personal agenda. After five years, he has no other solutions but to follow this, same, failed strategy. He has graduated into the big leagues and does not know what to do in that environment.
And, after five years, we have come full circle. He began his "presidency" as a community organizer, and is entering his last years in the same vein, only more aggressively than in the beginning years. He has isolated himself while increasing his Marxist defined intentions and does not understand he no longer has enough political "capital" to win the day.
Understand that I am not saying he is a communist, but his revolutionary model is most definitely defined by Karl Marx, as framed by Saul Alinsky . . . . . . and he has run out gas as the leader of this great and resilient nation.
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