<<<< Kim's uncle, arrested and waiting to hear that he will be taken out of the meeting hall and executed in the street outside the building, immediately.
N Korea's leader, the short, fat Kim, has summarily executed his past girl friend's, and hundreds of citizens he simply does not like anymore. He is more ruthless than that Uganda fellow of years gone by - without doubt the most extreme despot in our world, today. There are no trials, no hearings, just this 20 something's murderous decisions while the whole world cowardly sits by and watches. And now, MSNBC's commie stooge, Chris Matthews, likens Kim and his murderous rampage to the teaparty's willingness to "primary" folks with whom they do not agree. (see the story in Mediaite).
Understand that it is the likes of Matthews that orders the boycotting of all businesses whose owners dare speak out against the Left's social agenda or anything "Obama." It is his crowd that wants to criminalize free speech, that seeks to allow only approved commentary from the Right - approved by Left Wing leadership. It is his comrades who work to force all free Americans to join their unions before being allowed to work for a living and resents - with a passion - two party rule, seeking to establish a one party system within this country and/or dictatorial rule by those who represent his political desires, and ONLY those desires.
So, who parallels Kim more closely, if we must make such a comparison, the teaparty as it practices "rule" by free and democratic vote, or Matthews and his socialist buds, who seek only to destroy free speech and political descent in our country?
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