Altruism is most often confused with the political agenda of the Utopians and One Worlders. "They" cannot have their Utopian desires without (a) full control of the society they hope to govern, whether that be the world as we know it, or a given nation, and (b) access to the wealth produced or earned by members of that society.
Understand that "wealth" to an Utopian zealot is never a personal or individual possession, but only and always a possession of the larger community or the State. Of course, in any society, there are those who make money and those who do not or cannot. In order for the Utopian State to survive, it must take from those with wealth and redistribute to the poor. And since the poor always outnumber the "rich" in any given society, political power belongs to those who can gain the confidence of the poor. In this fact lies the hope of ultimate political power for those who would destroy this nation's founding values and principles.
When Obama talks about "fundamental and transformative change," he is talking about an Utopian society in which altruism is a political agenda, and redistribution is the key to the continued political power of the collectivist ruling class. In most dictatorial societies, the dictator or ruling demagoguery, were voted into power by a constituency that had no concern for "upward mobility" that was not the result of comprehensive social welfare programs of the State.
Obama and his revolutionary buds understand this political reality, elsewhere, and have spent the past 5 years giving away this nation's wealth to a political clientele they hope will reward them with one political victory after another. They believe that "now" is the time for the establishment of Marxist social reform and an Utopian agenda that denies the need for borders and national sovereignty.
It was Elizabeth Warren who first put forth the notion that "you did not build your business, that it was the end result of a society of people who, now, deserve the fruit of their (your) success."
Obama does not have the mental profundity to come up with such rhetoric, but he did say, "At some point in time, I do believe you have made enough money." THAT comment stands in fundamental opposition to everything this nation is and stands for. Before he and his are successful, however, this anti-American, collectivist cabal, must first change the political reality in this country in order to be successful in their redistributive/Utopian desires.
Warren and Obama are not the first to attempt to change the political fabric of America, Others have come and gone without achieving their ultimate Utopian goal (Wilson, FDR, and LBJ) -- square pegs in round holes.
In every case, the Utopian institutions of their past (the progressive income tax, Social Security, the Great Society and its war on poverty, Medicare and, now, ObamaCare), have or will be "Americanized," and in that process, Utopianism is lost and Marxism as a political force in American is, once again, defeated.
If the past is truly a gauge of the future, all the planning and outrageous scheming of the Obamanites is destined for failure. Certainly, we will loose some of our freedoms, but the fabric of this centuries-old free society, will win the day, and Obama will be remembered only as the failure he has become.
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