Top Items:
Two Requests in Light of Recent Events — I think it is important to note, in light of
recent events, a couple of clarifications. — One is that I never
used the word faggot in the tape recording being offered as evidence against
me. What word is said right after the other choice word I use is unclear.
Sarah Palin Serves Up a Healthy Serving
of Venom in Her Christmas Book
— By Michelle CottleNovember 16th 20135:45 AM — She didn't
write about ‘Protecting the Heart of Christmas’ at all—instead, the eternally
offended governor may have penned the perfect manual for another holiday
altogether: Festivus.
Young and Educated in Europe, but
Desperate for Jobs
— MADRID — Alba Méndez, a 24-year-old with a master's degree in
sociology, sprang out of bed nervously one recent morning, carefully put on makeup
and styled her hair. Her thin hands trembled as she clutched her résumé …
Sunday, September 8, 2013, Howard Kurtz, made his
debut at FoxNews. Kurtz. Kurtz, hardly a conservative patriot but a patriot, nonetheless (?), came to Fox after 15 years attempting to survive in the ranks of very liberal broadcast news networks, CNN and a related publication to the Daily Beast. Among his first guests
on his new Fox Sunday Media Buzz program, was the partisan protector of all things “socialist,” Michelle Cottle (far right but really, far Left). Cottle, in all her arrogant pontificating, has decided (for the rest of mankind) that Sarah Palin is a buffoon, but more than that, she [Palin] is a hate filled partisan with no intellectual position, undeserving of the attention that comes her way. Perhaps Cottle is driven by jealousy. I rather think, her angst with Palin is an inner fear that Palin is actually a threat to all things Progressive/Socialist . . . . . . . . in that, Cottle is absolutely spot on.
The fact that Cottle chooses to misinform those who have regard for her commentary as to the purpose and prose of Palin's new book, is both predictable and tiresome. The good governor is no more vindictive than is the Pope and Cottle is no more a fellow believer in the efficacy and spirit of Christmas than is Bill Maher. Her commentary, positioned as the #2 news story in the news cycle at Memeorandum, is more the function of Palin's social appeal and popularity than Cottle's biased concerns.
Hats off to Palin. She is fast becoming as important an icon to the conservative movement as is/was Ronald Reagan. She is not there, yet, but she is well on her way to becoming historically important, if not critical, to the reclamation of the nation as to the founding principles in a modern society. She has had excellent counsel in writing her first two books, (#1 and #12 on the NY Times Best Seller's List). Her third book will be no different.
Palin is a testament to the American dream, a commoner and kitchen maid, who decided to put down her apron and enter the world of professional politics. But instead of becoming a professional politician, she has become a professing icon of all that can be considered qualified produce belonging to a Constitutional Value System that has stood the test of 230 plus years. She has had to learn the ways of hardball politics, the effective rules of speech, and how to manage her beauty in a world that would cut her to pieces if she flaunted her remarkable personage. Her instincts are remarkable, her company of private counsel most effective, and her selflessness have all combined to give her time to mature as the political influence she has wanted to be from the beginning. Kicked to the curb by the RINO Herd running the losing presidential campaign in 2012 and fired at FoxNews early in 2013, she refused to allow these set backs to end her advance as a conservative leader. And a year after the 2012 GOP debachel, she has been "rehired" by Fox and is more popular within the GOP than ever.
No doubt, her new book will be worth its weight in gold. And Cottle will continue to be a frustrated disciple of the Left.
Palin is a testament to the American dream, a commoner and kitchen maid, who decided to put down her apron and enter the world of professional politics. But instead of becoming a professional politician, she has become a professing icon of all that can be considered qualified produce belonging to a Constitutional Value System that has stood the test of 230 plus years. She has had to learn the ways of hardball politics, the effective rules of speech, and how to manage her beauty in a world that would cut her to pieces if she flaunted her remarkable personage. Her instincts are remarkable, her company of private counsel most effective, and her selflessness have all combined to give her time to mature as the political influence she has wanted to be from the beginning. Kicked to the curb by the RINO Herd running the losing presidential campaign in 2012 and fired at FoxNews early in 2013, she refused to allow these set backs to end her advance as a conservative leader. And a year after the 2012 GOP debachel, she has been "rehired" by Fox and is more popular within the GOP than ever.
No doubt, her new book will be worth its weight in gold. And Cottle will continue to be a frustrated disciple of the Left.
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