Last week, we captured one of the leaders within al Qaeda to which we say, "So what?"

We begin with this quote:   President Barack Obama personally approved a daring raid by the U.S. Army’s Delta Force and agents from the CIA and FBI that led to the capture of an al Qaida leader outside his home in Libya, according to officials who were briefed on the events.     Read more here:

Editor’s notes:  Over the weekend,  we discovered that one of the most significant leaders within al Qaeda was captured by Navy Seals in Somalia.  The WH wants one and all to  know that Obama “personally” ordered this specific mission, hoping,  obviously,  to begin to convince folks that he really is an exceptional president.  

What McClatchey News Service does not tell its readers is this: Because of Obama’s failed policy governing the capture and interrogation of jihad-minded Muslim terrorists,  we actually know far less about Radical Muslim’s specific intentions than we did mid way through the Bush 43 years.  

One of the first actions of the Obama administration was to defrock the CIA of much of its responsibilities concerning terrorism,  to take the process of interrogation from that agency and give it to the FBI, our national police force.  There  was to be a number of High-value Interrogation Groups  (HIG) organized and administered by the FBI.  But the HIG corps never rally happened.  Only one such unit was ever reported in the news.  Because the Obama military no longer captures terrorists and interrogates them (not withstanding the most recent McClatchy report) as a matter of policy,  our sense of what is happening in the world as to terrorism is most disappointing.  Case in point:  Libya.  

Understand that more than 40 CIA/FBI agents were in Libya at the very moment of the Benghazi murders.  They were there,  receiving and shipping guns and weaponry  into Syria in support of the rebel forces in that country.  When our ambassador was killed because of one of the most profound failures in State Department history,  the agents were pulled from that country the following morning,  leaving behind an unknown cashe of weapons,  which immediately fell into the hands of the terrorists running rampant in that country.  The entire incident,  along with the related cover-up as the Dems prepare to run Secretary of State,  Hillary Clinton,  for president,  proves Obama/Hillary's  "terror policy" to be the feckless policy that it is.    

You should know that when we do capture terrorists,  in some cases Obama has ordered them given Miranda,  preparing for their prosecution in the American court system as [mere] criminals.  One of the most significant changes Barack made as to the war on terror,  was to decide there was no “war,”  that the Muslim thugs running around killing (mostly Christian) folks were/are nothing more than a large criminal contingency.  While he opposed much of the “harsh interrogation” practices of the Bush years,  he preferred, instead,  to kill terrorist targets via drone attacks,  along with more than 5,000 women and children, collateral damage because of his drone tactic.

At any rate,  we are less safe, under Obama,  and we are so  without question, the capture of this latest al Qaeda aside.