Yes, the southern white racists in the South have moved into the Republican Party, but need to be openly rejected by one and all. A 15x15 Confederate Flag in the name of peace? So much barnyard is my conclusion.

By Associated Press, Published: September 28
CHESTER, Va. — Hundreds gathered Saturday in freshly cleared woods along Interstate 95 to celebrate the raising of a Confederate battle flag, an event that stirred strong opposition from those who view the flag as a symbol of division.
Those who attended the raising of the 15-by-15-foot flag from the Army of Northern Virginia said the ceremony was not intended to offend, but to honor the South’s war dead in the Civil War.

“The reason why we’re here is to honor the soldier,” said James Thompson, 50, a North Carolinian now living in Richmond. “We don’t see it as a slavery issue.”  (If you want to read more, go to the Washington Post).

Editor’s notes:  This event is so much crap,  plain and simple.  Understanding that the Southern Democrat South cost the lives of over 530,000 because of their stance on slavery, forcing this nation into a civil war over the issue of freedom for a single race of people.  My family fought with the North,  in that war,  and I have no patience for this “in your face” nonsense.  If these morons wanted to “honor the dead” in that war,  they should have flown an American flag,  not a confederate imitation celebrating the worst pain the nation has faced since its inception. 

Is this Virginia action protected as free speech?  Of course,  but so too, is this posted protest.  In fact,  I believe I am under obligation to speak out when this type of buffoonery raises its ugly/ignorant/trash talking/un-American head.  
When I was in college,  back in the early 1960's,  the South was the exclusive property of the Democrat Party.  But,  that party "went liberal" and these raciest,  moved into the GOP,  sadly.   They are not the only racist collective,  however.  The Congressional Black Caucus is equally racist and even more vocal.  At least the southern bigots in this story,  have no party to turn to,  no one in the GOP will do their bidding  --  not true when it comes to the CBC and the Socialist Progressives.  

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