Palin continues to outsell all RINO/Liberal pundits with more than 1 million copies sold and #2 on the NYTimes list.

New cover for paperback edition
Premature celebration.  Keep in mind that Palin always outsells Olberman and the Left with her books  . . . . .  always.  

Here is what the Liberal world was saying back in 2010.  They have long since stopped talking trash on Palin's second book:  

Keith Olbermann was kind enough to update us all about just how badly Sarah Palin’s second book has bombed, “The already soggy sales of Sarah Palin’s “America By Heart” just got soggier. Publishing sources confirm that at a time when 43 of the 50 nonfiction best sellers saw sales jump on Nielsen book scan, what with Christmas looming, Palin sold 29% fewer copies than the week before. 36,000 compared to 51,000. One of the other titles to sell less “Kardashian Confidential.” Total sales through 3 weeks, 144,812. Total sales of “Going Rogue,” 811,491. Even if the book as sold as many copies at Wal-Mart as it has everywhere else combined, you’re looking at 70% of a print run sitting in warehouses waiting to be returned to the publisher. Oops.”   

It is amazing how few books Palin managed to sell when she was not padding the sales numbers by buying the books herself. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, “$64,000 in books may not seem like much, but when you consider that she paid the wholesale not the retail price for each copy it adds up quickly. If we estimate that SarahPAC paid $ 5 per book, Palin padded her sales with an additional 13,600 books.”

Editor's note:  While all of the above may sound the alarm for Palin fans,  the 2010 summary celebration for the Libs was premature,  to say the least.  Understand that while her first book sold 3.5 million copies and was the #1 non-fiction publication sold in 2010,  after two years on the market,  her second book,  "America by Heart" has sold more than one million copies and made it to the #2 spot on the NYTimes list and Olbermann is long gone from MSNBC.  

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