Lois Lerner has been suddenly replaced at the IRS as the Administration moves to create distance between her and itself.

What do we know about the latest developments concerning the IRS targeting scandal? 

We know that more than three hundred groups targeted were conservative groups,  having identification with “teaparty,”  “patriot”  or educational programs concerning American colonial history and the United States Constitution. 

We know that all of these groups,  without exception,  had to wait between 18 months and three years,  taking them out of the funding raising mix for the 2010 midterms and the 2012 presidential elections. 

We know that Lois Lerner was in charge of the Cincinnati office of the IRS,  where all applications for 501c-4 status are processed,  regardless as to the regional address of the applying organizations,  and we know that Learner knew about this issue, at least, a year ago and misrepresented the truth,  before a congressional committee. 

We know that conservative applicants came from 5 different districts,  nationally,  and involved 5 different IRS managers making the IRS action a matter of policy rather than the  efforts of two misguided agents in a single office  -  as was first posited by the Obama Administration. 

We know that there is a deadline for approving or denying such requests for tax exempt status.  After nine months,  if a decision was not made,  the receiving office had to file a monthly report for each group being considered,  which means there is a mountain of paper work “out there” detailing the IRS delays. 

As of today,  the IRS career for Lois Lerner is probably over,  she,  having been put on paid administrative leave with a replacement named to her position overseeing ObamaCare tax obligations.  Understand that the vast majority of waivers granted to ObamaCare entities,  have been members of the Left Wing community to the tune of 3 to 1.  Lois Lerner  would have continued that practice,  no doubt,  as will her replacement  (let’s be honest).  

Finally,  this [liberal career Democrat] IRS agent,  is getting ready to experience being "thrown under the bus."  And,  to make matters worse,  her testimony,  yesterday,  before a House congressional committee,  before "taking the fifth,"  disqualified her from using the fifth as protection against testifying to what she knows as to the recent and developing IRS scandal.  In short order,  she will be recalled before that committee.  

Of course,  she will invoke the "5th,"  but may face contempt charges for doing so.  Funny.  This bunch of bumbling fools can't even devise an adequate cover-up.  Good for us.  


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), a senior member of the tax writing Finance Committee, said in a statement Thursday that Lerner was placed on administrative leave after she refused a request from Danny Werfel, the newly installed acting IRS commissioner, to resign.

“My understanding is the new acting IRS commissioner asked for Ms. Lerner’s resignation, and she refused to resign,” Grassley said. “She was then put on administrative leave instead. From all accounts so far, the IRS acting commissioner was on solid ground to ask for her resignation.”

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