The Sequester kicked in and Wall Street numbers went up AND the economy continued to improve. How did this happen?

The Sequester kicked in and Wall Street numbers went up AND the economy has  continued to improve.  How did this happen?

Understand, there is nothing new about the Obama "slash and burn" strategies. Ditto for the fear tactics of the Left.  Obama is not doing anything new;  he is just doing what the Dems have always done,  only working full time at the strategy.    

Today,  we found out that the economy was continuing to grow.  236,000 jobs were created in spite of the fear of a looming sequester.  The stock market is operating at record highs,  and that has been the case for the last week or so.  The housing market is improving.  More people are beginning to look for work and the unemployment rate decreased fro 7.9 to 7.7 percent.  

The 70,000 teachers who would be laid off because of the Sequester?  Liberal fact-check concerns found that not a single teacher had received a lay off notice.  

Fire and police responders were going to reduced,  when,  in fact, federal funds do not pay for these services.  This was nothing but an empty threat designed,  by Obama,  to scare the GOP into moving away from the Sequester.  

Lines at the airports were going to increase by 200 percent.  And Homeland security made these predictions,  only to have to admit that nothing had changed at the nation's largest airports.  

All and all,  the American people now knows that Obama's claim that the "sky is falling,"  is nothing but a lie. He has lost 7 points in popularity measurement survey by Gallup,  lost popularity in just one week  -  all because he over played his fear mongering hand.  

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