Record snow fall - again -- two years out of four.

Largest region for record snowfall in world history. 

The UN and its IPCC predicted the very opposite from the visual displayed on our map,  in their latest (leaked) AR5 report, SPM page 5. 

“More comprehensive and improved observations strengthen the evidence that the ice sheets are losing mass, glaciers are shrinking globally, sea ice cover is reducing in the Arctic, and snow cover is decreasing and permafrost is thawing in the Northern Hemisphere.”

I remind the reader that the US mid-western states experienced an all time record snow pack back in the winter of 2010/2011  --  just two years ago.  In the Rockies,  east of Denver,  the snow pack was in excess of 250 inches.  I know,  I was there that year.  Go to Real Science for more of a discussion on this issue. 

Understand that not a single catastrophic prediction has proven to be true over the course of my life  (67 years) coming out of environmental math models.  Acid rain was going to kill us all.  CFM's were going to destroy the ozone layer and we would all die, browned on both sides.  DTD was going to kill us all,  so it was banned,  and 30 million Africans have died because they cannot access  this product to control malaria infected mosquitoes.  By 2015,  New York was to be under 20 feet of water  (per Al Gore and his "scientist" buds).   Anyone still believe that will happen?  By this time,  35 years ago,  Paul Ehrlick forecast massive global starvation (the Population Bomb),  exceeding what we see today. He saw the world's population at 16 to 20 billion by now,  when,  in fact,  it is 7 billion,  with birth rates greatly decreased in many parts of the world  (Japan and the US to name just two regions).  Then there was Katrine (2005) and the 17 massive hurricanes to hit the US the following year. The actual count was "zero,"  seriously.  

The only environmental/biological disasters I see, are those that exist between the ears of the academics,  once they start thinking  (code for "imaging things.").  

Update:  "Mother Jones to the rescue."  

The blog, Mother Jones,  and its biased writers jump on this story,  in an effort to discredit its obvious and negative implications for the gobal warming theorists.  I love how they pitch this latest controvery:  that the critics  (folks like this editor) “cherry picked” our information.

Mother Jones:  “As you can imagine, skeptics on the internet have gone bonkers over this, much like they did over the 2009 "Climategate" emails. But as with that incident, they're focusing in on a cherry-picked line that ignores everything else in the draft report.”

There were hundreds of scurrilous emails,  in the scandal of 2009,  hardly “cherry picking.”  And on this occasion,  the snowfall coverage is more than half the land mass in the Northern Hemisphere.  "Cherry picking" my but . . .  it ain’t so. 

Update #2:

Among the examples of the panel's conservative predictions,  Mother Jones gives us two examples :
The drastic decline of summer Arctic sea ice is one recent example: In the 2007 report, the IPCC concluded the Arctic would not lose its summer ice before 2070 at the earliest. But the ice pack has shrunk far faster than any scenario scientists felt policymakers should consider; now researchers say the region could see ice-free summers within 20 years.

Indeed,  it does appear that the summer ice pack is decreasing.  But the IPCC models failed to get the prediction right nor is there a natural catastrophe attached to this anecdotal reality.    Mother Jones argues that the IPCC needs to be “fixed.”  Problem:  there are no environmental math models that do not need “fixing.”  

Sea-level rise is another. In its 2001 report, the IPCC predicted an annual sea-level rise of less than 2 millimeters per year. But from 1993 through 2006, the oceans actually rose 3.3 millimeters per year, more than 50 percent above that projection.   

Yea,  but still only 0.12992125984252 inches  per year or 1.2 inches per decade.  

Understand that our great country was under sea water for hundreds of thousands of years.  Pikes Peak is located in Colorado,  1300 to 2000 miles from either coast line.  The mountain is full of sea shells and salt water fossils.   

Our world is not static, neither is its geo circumstance.  All is temporal in nature and that is the inescapable fact. 

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