New York Governor wants to confiscate all guns in his state. Of course he cannot do this but he may be dumb enough to try or too ignorant of Constitutional law to care.

In attempting to shame his state congress into taking action against gun owners,  New York moonbat,  Governor Cuomo,  had this to say on Tuesday,  “I say to you forget the extremists. It’s simple — no one hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs 10 bullets to kill a deer and too many people have died already.”  

In making that statement,  this Democrat governor demonstrated just how out of  touch he is with reality.  No one I know,  here in Central California,  owns a gun without thinking of home protection.  And when two gangbangers with semi-automatics break into a home,  the owner had better have something of equal capacity, if not equal caliber  -  certainly not a single shot anything. 
I will say it again using different wording:  “No one I knows buys a semi-automatic to go hunting.  It is all about home protection  . . . . .  and,  unless morons like Cuomo can resurrect my wife or kids,  I will maintain the guns I now own,  come hell or high water."  I am not the problem nor are the 80 million legal gun owners  in this country.  
The Jews of the Holocaust were unarmed.  So, too,  were the two folks killed in my neighborhood by a home invader,  last week.  

You should know that deaths by gun violence has declined from 9.8% (of all deaths, annually)  to 4.7% and 55% of those deaths were because of suicide.  

Nothing good or lasting,  ever comes from a knee-jerk response to "crisis."  In this case,  the One Worlders have wanted to disarm the general population for decades.  That must never be allowed.  

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