Gore's sale of Current TV to the enemy demonstrates just how divided we are as a people. "No, Dorthy, we are not in Kansas anymore."

Context: Gore's sale of Current TV to the jihaidist organization,  Al-Jazeera.

Another missed opportunity for the Right.    The more serious issue with Gore’s business deal with Al-Jazeera is the fact that it is was a deal with Al-Jazeera.  But some of my friends on the Right think this headlined blurb is the problem: 

Look,  we all know that Al Gore has no soul.  Hypocrite ?? Of course;  he is a Socialist Democrat, after all.  
But what is quickly being forgotten (or swept under the carpet,  if you are a Marxist Mainstreamer), is the fact that there is nothing American about “Al-Jazeera America.”  
In a recent interview with an ex-correspondent,  working for Al-Jazeera’s Washington division,  we have this comment:  “I quite because everyone in the bureau was anti-American.” 
I am sorry,  but I do not believe the Constitution gives us the right to destroy ourselves.  Progressives and Jihadists do.  
In recent comments,  Gore has defended his business dealings allegiance with Al-Jazeera as Constitutionally protected under the notion of freedom of speech,  or some such thing.  

 Newsmax gives us this summation:  

“Other suitors who didn’t share Current’s ideology were rebuffed,” reporters Keach Hagey and John Jannarone wrote in the Wall Street Journal. “Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze approached Current about buying the channel last year, but was told that ‘the legacy of who the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view,’” according to a person familiar with the negotiations.”

The former vice president confirmed the sale Wednesday that reportedly netted $100 million, saying in a statement that Al-Jazeera shares Current TV’s mission “to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling.”

The fact of the matter is quite different, however.  Al-Jazeera is a seditious organization, guilty of treason against this nation and has nothing to do with "truth to power."     Its primary purpose for existence is the destruction of both the  United States and the nation of Israel.  And, now we know that Gore and his Current TV have been so aligned from their associated beginning, as well.    

Gore’s allegiance with Al-Jazeera makes him complicit in their efforts.  Sadly,  this accusation extends to all who support his efforts.  

You should know that you will not see or hear of a single prominent Democrat Progressive standing and condemning this action or the approving comments Gore has made in his own defense.  

As noted above,   he refused to even allow a bid on Current TV from Glenn Beck and his Leftist buds have all cheered this action.  Say what you will about Glenn,  he is hardly “un-American.”  Rather,  he is anti one world governance,  anti confiscatory wealth transfer,  anti Socialist,  pro God  --  Gore and the Progressives currently in Democrat leadership are none of the above.  

And when I write of “Democrat leadership,”  I most definitely mean to include B Hussein Obama.  
Obama ordered this Christian
symbol for "Jesus" covered
before agreeing to speak at
Georgetown, (April 2009)
comment added by blog editor
In the spring of 2009,  he was invited to present a commencement speech at the University of Georgetown.  He refused to give that speech until the name of  “Jesus” was covered over,  on the stage behind his podium.  No self-respecting Christian would have ever done such a thing,  proving,  of course,  that he is no more a Christian than I am an ant.  

But more than this,  the first news agency to which he gave an interview,  following his inauguration,  was an branch of Al-Jazeera.  He did not go immediately to the American press,  but, rather,  chose to give his first interview as president of the United States of America,  with an avoid enemy of this country.  Little wonder that some believe he is a Muslim at heart. 
And now,  we have fat Al Gore making deals with those who would  kill us all,  and his Progressive/One World Socialist Party, are loving every minute of it.  
After notes:

Go to this site for more on the "Jesus cover-up."

Why many are confused about Obama and Islam: 

From a preview Midknight Review article: 

1. His Cairo speech AND his denial that the U.S. is a Christian nation.
2. The fact that he did not object to the Lockerbie release but knew about problem in advance
3. His requirement that NASA aggressively pursue a pro-Muslim agenda.
4. His refusal to release information (emails and more) about the Fort Hood murderer, a Muslim.
5. His first news contact was with Al Jazerra - even before going to the American Press
sees Israel as "occupiers" of Palestine
6. has moved for 900 million and 400 million dollars in aid to the Muslim Hamas in Gaza
7. His Administration is sending aid for Muslim mosque construction world wide.
8. He attended the Nation of Islam million man march.
9. He attended without protest the honoring of Louis Farrakhanby Jeremiah Wright.
10. Under Muslim law, Obama's Muslim father's background makes him [Obama] a Muslim, also. He needs to renounce that notion - an established Muslim rule.
11. He has refused to put KSM on trial after making a big deal of the trial last year. Many believe that a "civilian trial" is tantamount to a "not guilty" verdict because of problems relating to KSM's battlefield arrest.
12. And as our finale, we have Obama demanding the saps at Georgetown University cover up the Latin symbols for "Jesus" before he gave a commencement address last year. No self-respecting Christian would ever demand the covering of "Jesus." None. He is a Christian like Hitler was a Jew.

P.S. We almost forgot to mention the last Easter White House egg roll when Obama refused to mention anything about Christianity or use the name "Jesus" . . . . . . . . . . . . at an "Easter" celebration. Also, there is the matter of celebrating Christmas with a Mao decoration hung on the White House Christmas tree.

And folks wonder why people not longer know who this man is !!! If we do not know who he is, we certainly know who he is not. --- jds.

Also,  see this post,  the most comprehensive listing of Obama's war against Christianity,  on the net.  

1 comment:

  1. The anti-American Muslim network Rotana is owned in part by Murdoch - the owner of Fox News.
    Fox News second biggest shareholder is Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal - a Muslim fundamentalist.
