This is Adam Lanza – the 20 year old shooter. He is mentally . . . . . he was mentally ill . . . . . and THAT
is the reason for the shootings. The gun
in his hand was the method. He could
have built a bomb of some sort, stabbed
as many kids to death as possible or chosen a different target. But yesterday, Friday the 14th of December, he woke up with murder on his mind.
Leave it to the Dems to politicize every tragedy.
Going back to 9.11 of 2001, the Democrats couldn't wait 48 hours before they had decided to score political points as they criticized Bush 43 for taking too long to leave the classroom in which he was reading to a group of elementary kids.
As relates to the events of yesterday, this bunch of uncaring Secular Socialists, couldn't wait 12 hours to get to the business of scoring points. While they have blamed the tea party, the gun lobby, the "American gun culture," they offer no solutions except to ban "assault rifles." The go with "assault rifles" for two reasons: a) they know they have a better chance of banning those weapons than any other weapons classification and b), the young killer used an AR - 15 to do most, if not all, the murders. He had two 9mm pistols, but it is not clear that he fired either. The AR - 15 is a semi-automatic, not an automatic weapon . . . . automatic weapons are already banned in the United States. And, while you will hear the folks describe this weapon as a military type weapon or a "heavy duty" weapon, the 9mm pistols meet that description more readily than the rifle, in my opinion.
The AR-15 is a .223 caliber - just a bit larger than a 22 shell . . . . .38's, 44 calipers, .45's, and 9mm's are much larger calipers weapons.
The AR - 15 can be a very lethal weapon. For one thing, it is a semi-automatic, which means the gun will fire off a round as fast as you can pull the trigger. Secondly, if the killer used "hallow point" ammunition, his shots would be quite lethal.
I have a Ruger 10 - 22 plinkster. It is a take-down semi-automatic small arms rifle and its magazines are loaded with hollow point ammo. I also have a short barrel 12 gauge shotgun, designed for home protection only, and a Glock 9mm pistol.
California is going "third world," and is becoming a very violent place to live. We have a number of home invasions each month, in our county, that take place with people at home, in broad daylight.
While some of you are trying to figure out how to disarm me, because of a nut job in CT., I am trying to stay alive in my own home. Guess which has the higher priority? Call me a nutjob if you like, just don't pay me any untimely visits.
The deleted comment was so far removed from "intelligent" discussion as to be out of place on this blog.