From "comments" :
AnonymousDecember 29, 2012 2:43 PM
problem, the scourage, the cancer on American society and legislature is the
dying vestage of radical right in the House ... known as the 'teaparty'. They
will soon die out and we will all see they and their ilk are on the wrong side
of history.
And My response:
We (the tea-party)
are the history of this nation. It is
that history you all want to change. You
can say all you want that is negative about this once great nation, but you can't make it better.
Does it need some changing?
Of course. But, as I said,
you commie, One Worlders don't have the answers. Heck,
to hear you all talk your divisive, character attacking, crap, you would have had nothing to do with the
founding of this nation; after all, there is nothing that is a part of our founding
history you all like. We would all be British citizens, if it had been up to the wusses on the Left.
We are great because of folks like the slave master, George Washington, or the adulterer, Thomas Jeffereson, or the slave trader, Columbus,
or the "ignorants" and Right Wingers who debated and wrote the "white man's
constitution," or the men who
fought in the civil war to effect some of the changes that our founders did not
You represent the parasitic political class; find a host nation, attack its founders and patriots and traditions and history, raise up an entitlement class and teach them
to be angry at those who have more than they do, and BAM, you get to take over that country. You do all this because you [all] have not
the ability to begin from scratch. We and the [Boston] tea party spirit - founded this
nation and you all want to change all that.
Before you decide to argue my point, that you all detest this nation as it was and
is, that you are not about changing
everything about this nation, I remind you of what Obama is all about, according to his jihadist wife:
May of 2008:
MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have
to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're
going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to
move into a different place as a nation."
Like I said, there is nothing that is a part of our founding
history you all like. According the our revolutionary First Couple, our traditions and very history are in need of changing. How do you change "history?" By re-writing it, by denying it, by subverting it, all in the pretense that it would have been perfect (our history) had others (i.e. the socialist progressives) been in charge from the beginning. This bunch of know-nothings -- remember, they couldn't even write a budget proposal and they had four years to try; they couldn't pass a comprehensive immigration bill and they had absolutely no legislative opposition for two stinking years -- are no better than the "give me" generation they have empowered.
Why so comprehensive a "statement" coming from the Obama's ? Because the man and his wife hate this nation the way it
is, and so do you and the filth talking
folks you run with. You think it a "slip of the lip" when she pronounced "For the first time, I am proud of this country" when "change" was all about her self serving husband???
You are nothing but an ignorant punk with no intellectual
ability to match that of our founders
-- ditto virtually all of your
current leadership. You all are leaches
of the first order, without a god or a
soul and without a country, unless and
until you infest it and change it as a disease changes its host.
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