Seriously, how much should be cut in terms of expense? We have the answer as we ask two questions.

 <<<  Sorry folks,  the fiscal cliff disaster has past the point of no return, regardless of whatever the headlines of this week say. 

The Democrats love to ask this question:  "If the GOP is not going to raise taxes on the rich,  how are they going to pay for the money lost in that move?"   You should know that the Bush tax cuts for the rich,  totaled a nominal $700 billion dollars over the course of ten years.

I have a better question and it is the Democrats who should be asked  (as in "hounded) this question:  "If you are not going to raise taxes on the middle class,  how are you going to pay for that 'lost' income ?"  Understand that the Bush cuts to the middle class totaled 3.8 trillion dollars. 

Point of post:  Here is the critical  fact central to effective spending cuts:  if the congress is not talking about cutting 4.5 trillion dollars over the course of the next ten years,  it are lying to the American people and setting the American citizenry up for one of the worst financial disaster in world history and, that is not hyperbole.   

That "4.5 trillion" number comes from adding the totals in tax savings for the "rich"  and Obama's version of the "middle class."  If the question is legitimate when asked about 'lost' income from the rich,  it certainly is legitimate when asked about lost income from the middle class.  While the Dems have busied themselves buying votes ad infinitum ,  their long term intentions are to wait on the necessary cuts to Social Security and Medicare until the ceiling caves in around us,  and,  in that event,  they are hoping to have positioned themselves to continue their blame game,  and turn the coming disaster into a serious electionary plus for them.   

Understand that beginning in 2009,  expenses for Social Security have exceeded collections.  In 2011,  that deficit was in excess of nearly 47 billion dollars (jds-midknightreview / remember-obama-and-dems-telling) .  In other words,  Social Security is already broke and,  apparently,  readers of this Review are the only folks on the face of God's green earth who are aware of this fact.  

As far as Medicare is concerned,  it now totals 42 trillion in unfunded liabilities.  

To illustrate just how out of control this program is,  consider this fact:   when we take all of the world's economies,  some 220 countries,  they require a collective grand total of around 68 trillion dollars per year to operate their programs and support their national needs.  Medicare totals 2/3's of all the world's economies combined.  And, still,  the self-serving, socialist grounded unions in this country and their Democat/Progressive leadership refuses to admit that there is any kind of problem at all.  

As of the 2012 election, we now have an electorate that cares not for the facts of this matter.  They don't care,  because they believe that they will be allowed to further gut the system without penalty as they follow the lead of Progressive leadership,  and continue to decimate the business community in this country. 

Sadly,  there may no cure for selfish and stupid,  when the two are combined for the purpose of gaining a political edge.  


After it is all said and one,  we cannot cut or tax our way to safety.  This article in Forbes,  gives us a clear picture why the "tax and cut" will not work,  if it stands alone and the "solution."  

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