Mayor Bloomberg and the anti-self defense lobby, are once again, demanding that my life be put in jeopardy because of some nutcase who went off "the deep end."

Michael Bloomberg,  the midget mayor of New York City,  a man who would seek to be dictator of whatever province he governed, couldn’t  allow the nation time to come together as it expressed its sadness over the Connecticut murders, ran to the nearest open mic,  yesterday,  and made himself the center of the universe on this very sad day.  

Today, many of them were five-year olds. President Obama rightly sent his heartfelt condolences to the families in Newtown. But the country needs him to send a bill to Congress to fix this problem. Calling for ‘meaningful action’ is not enough. We need immediate action. We have heard all the rhetoric before. What we have not seen is leadership – not from the White House and not from Congress. That must end today. This is a national tragedy and it demands a national response. My deepest sympathies are with the families of all those affected, and my determination to stop this madness is stronger than ever.

This moron thinks I am to blame for the deaths of those 20 children,  because I own a set of guns,  purchased solely for self defense.  Here in Sunny California,  gang violence is on the rise,  big time,  and violent, daytime,  home invasions are the result.  Last month,  three miles from my house,  in the country,  there was a daytime home invasion.  The owners of the home were armed and fired at the intruders  . . . . . . .  end of event,  end of story  . . . . . . .   with no mass murder of the two innocents living in the home.   Under Bloomberg’s thoughtless governance,  these folks would have been dead.  That scenario happens dozens of times,  each day,  nation wide. 

I would love to spend time,  in this post,  coming up with a simpleton solution to match that of the mayor’s,  but there really is no such thing.  It is a violent world,  and increasingly so.  The bad guys outnumber the good guys.  What are you going to do? 

Here is a quote from Limbaugh,  and he is “right on” with these words;  see what you think:  

By the way, to all you leftists who, in a sickening fashion, are trying to conceive ways to politicize this just awful incident in Newtown, Connecticut, trying to find a way to get rid of guns, trying to find a way to politicize this and advance your agenda, let me just point out we had guns 30, 40, 50, a hundred years ago, and we didn't have mass murders every other month. 
So what's changed?  It is not the number of guns that's changed.  If you people on the left are so eager to control things, we actually need some values control.  We actually need some social guardrails.  I don't even know if that would eliminate stuff like this.  We don't know why yet, purpose, reason.  The psychological community is eagerly trying to understand this, too. 

Legally owned guns are used for self defense by law abiding citizens more than 2.5 million times a year.  I grew up out in the country.  Every pick-up truck in the state (California) had a gun rack over its rear window.  When we met at an intersection,  no one ever jumped out of their truck and started shooting.  Nearly everyone I know owns at least one gun.  I personally know of no one who has ever shot at someone,  much less killed another person.  But all would not hesitate to defend their home,  if invaded by the trash that has come to be a part of our daily lives.  

Understand that home protection is no longer a "right,"  it is a necessity.  Bloomberg and the shortsighted folks on the Left,  believe that I should be put at risk because of the wisdom of their "solution."  Geeeeesh.  They can drop dead on that count.  Better them than me and those in my house.  

After notes:  

Ezra Klien has written a good article dealing with gun control.  He favors such,  but his article makes some very good points,  nonetheless.  It appears, here, in the Washington Post.  A couple of points:  he makes it clear that while gun violence appears to be down in areas with greater controls,  the relationship between the two is not "causative."  He, also, points out that "Lots of guns do not necessarily mean lots of shootings."  Finally,  while he argues that gun ownership is down,  the chart included in his article,  shows a fairly stable level of ownership for long guns and rifles,  in the home.  Pistol ownership is markedly down,  however, per the chart's display. 


  1. A great point. Amen. I live in Chicago, out on the edge of town. All of the gun violence in our city is due to gangs. Our laws prohibit even the display of a gun outside our homes, yet, gun violence in this city grows every day of the year. Anyway, our reality, in Chicago, runs parallel with your comments.

  2. Smithson fears for his life ... fear blacks and hispanics. Maybe he should love his neighbors or he wouldn't be so hated. Maybe he shouldn't live in the slums?

  3. Nancy Lanza - the killer's mother was a gun collector - armed to the teeth... none of those guns helped her, did they?
