Here is the difference between true conservative blacks and the black nutjobs in the Democrat party (see the video)

'nough said. . . . . actually this angry black anti-American wants Obama to jail all of his opposition.  No Republican black citizen or legislator would ever come up with such nonsense without being sorely criticized by the larger party,  yet, Obama,  our first Revenge President,  says nothing. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Spamming your answer from one post to the next is not acceptable and, frankly, not very intellectually challenging.

  3. WSJ POLL: When asked to describe the Republican party with one word or phrase, the most common response was some variation of “bad”, “weak” or “negative”. Ten out of the top eleven labels were negative. The party was labeled as “uncompromising”, “broken”, “lost” and “out of touch”.
