Obama's Budget Proposal, here. Note to John Boehner: Encourage Obama to submit this bill to the House of Representives. His last House budget failed 414 to Zero. Let's see what happens this time.

You should know that this budget does not solve the fiscal cliff problem.  There is no entitlement reform, here.  There is no reduction in spending.  In fact,  all of the anticipated revenues embedded in this budget statement are spent in this budget statement.  We gain NOTHING.  

The Obama/Geithner Budget for 2013

 1. An immediate $1 trillion tax hike through higher top marginal income tax rates as well as higher taxes on both capital gains and dividends affecting 90% of the working/investing middle class, not to be confused with the “rich.”  
2. An additional $600 billion more in taxes later this year by limiting tax deductions for top earners,  since the GOP has already agreed to this condition is accompanied with entitlement reform.
An extension of either the payroll tax cut or the reinstatement of Obama’s stimulus Making Work Pay tax credit.  The working “poor” already have enough in federal tax breaks.  
4. Another extension of unemployment benefits; I believe this the current provision is down from 99 weeks to something in the 50 week range. 
$50 billion in new infrastructure stimulus spending,  with all of the monies going to private unions;  nothing here for the private non-union contractor. 
Obama wants billions more  in new spending to prevent cuts to Medicare reimbursement payments for doctors.  Of course,  this is necessary because Obama took $716 billion out of Medicare to make his healthcare bill appear as “saving the nation money.”  Now,  after the election,  he has to recover that bit of financial genius.
A mortgage refinancing program.  This would end the mortgage tax deduction for the rich,  but,  of course,  in time,  it would extend to anyone who owned a home.  Mark my words,  in time anyone who owns a home will be regarded as “rich,” in the country. 
8. Finally,  Obama was an infinite debt limit hike and he wants that hike to be solely under his control. 

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