Written, initially, in the evening of Friday, November
We now have two questions that no one in this Administration
will answer. The first, "Which coward in the Administration
order American forces to 'stand down' and deserted those who were screaming
for assistance? "
Following the House testimony by General Patraeus,
this morning (Friday), a second question has been raised that this
Administration will move to cover over. It is this: "Who in
this Administration deleted all references to 'Al Qaeda' as the primary force
in the Libyan consult murders?" Patraeus put this into his report;
someone in this Administration took it out or ordered it
In an interview with Rep Peter King on the Megyn Kelly
program (Fox News), Friday morning, King, who sat in on the
Patraeus testimonty, made it clear that the General had testified
his "talking points" included specific reference to 'Al Qaeda,'
references that were subsequently deleted by others.
Five Administration representatives were asked about this,
later on Friday, following the Patraeus testimony. None of them had
an answer for this question, proving that we are dealing with the most corrupt
Administration in American history, or, we are dealing with the most
incompetent bunch of buffoons since the Three Stooges.
If there is any doubt as to the correct answer (there is no
third choice, by the way), think about all of the following,
understanding that each point/question has no answer coming from
this Administration.
1. What happened to that 1.4 billion dollars in
customer funds held in trust by MF Global? You bailed them out.
Where is the money?
2. After three years of running in the red - 12
quarters in a row -- where did GM suddenly come up with 6.3 billion to pay off
its government loan, "5 years early?"
3. Why did your job czar, Jeffry Immelt,
out-source 165,000 jobs, in his own company, G.E., to China ?
4. All those solar panels your Administration was
going to build? Why did you not know that China could build them
cheaper, that you had no chance of taking that market away from those
5. Where are your college transcripts, lecture
notes and collegiate financial information?
6. Why did you and your wife cancel out your
law licenses after becoming president and Mrs. president?
7. Why didn't you pass immigration reform in your
first year, as promised, when the GOP was powerless to stop you?
8. What happened with all that talk about a world
conference on global warming?
9. Why were you rewarded with the Nobel Peace Prize?
10. You made fun of Romney for refusing a 10 to 1 ratio when it came to spending versus taxation. Now, you do not want more than one dollar of cuts for every dollar of taxes raised. Why the deception?
11. What is your definition for "victory" in
a war setting?
12. What happened to your plans for a "negotiated
peace" in Afghanistan?
13. Can you explain why Democrat failed to vote for a budget since you have been "president?"
14. You promised that the Muslim Brotherhood would not
be a part of Egypt's new government. What happened?
15. You told us you have lowered taxes to the Middle
Class buy $3,600 per year. If true, why are we all still paying the same amount in taxes
or more, as we did last year ?
16. Specifically, how do you grow
the economy from the "middle out?"
17. What happens if Iran has already built reactor
housing too deep in the earth to destroy? How will you guarantee that
Iran will not become a nuclear power.
18. If Russia and China are not our
"enemies," why the hell are they building up their armies as we
are shrinking ours?
19. Before the election, you talked about raising
taxes by 700 billion. Now, after the election, you are
talking about raising taxes by 1.6 trillion. What happened?
20. If AlQaeda is dead, why are they in 20
countries instead of the five, before your "war on
21. Why have you and
your Administration refused to fully cooperate with the Fast and
Furious investigation?
22. You have not met with all the families of those
killed in Libya, nor have you given them any pertinent information after
57 freaking days.
23. How is it that your three budget proposals were
defeated in congress, 97 to Zero, 99 to Zero and (in the House) 414
to Zero? You couldn't find a single Democrat to vote for your proposals? How is that even possible?
I could go on and on, but some of you get the point. Little wonder that this man hates press conferences.
He has no serious answers.
Honorable mention:
Why did you send the bust of Churchill back to England?
Besides the three Bush trade agreements, why have you not authored and passed any trade agreements of your own invention ? If diplomacy that difficult for you?
Why do you think Maxine Waters and Al Sharpton know anything about the national economy?
Why do you refuse to seek a balanced budget?
Have you met with the 17 families of Seal Team Six, murdered 12 weeks after your VP, Joe The Blow Biden, identified them to the world as the Osama Assassins?
How do you sleep at night with the voices of the Libyan Four, screaming for help, ringing in your ears?
Honorable mention:
Why did you send the bust of Churchill back to England?
Besides the three Bush trade agreements, why have you not authored and passed any trade agreements of your own invention ? If diplomacy that difficult for you?
Why do you think Maxine Waters and Al Sharpton know anything about the national economy?
Why do you refuse to seek a balanced budget?
Have you met with the 17 families of Seal Team Six, murdered 12 weeks after your VP, Joe The Blow Biden, identified them to the world as the Osama Assassins?
How do you sleep at night with the voices of the Libyan Four, screaming for help, ringing in your ears?
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