14 states have decided to refuse the Medicaid exchanges. Here is the problem.

Breitbart.com explains the problem that exists,  for hospitals,  if and when the several states refuse to set up Medicare/Medicaid expansion programs under ObamaCare: 

 Hospitals are claiming they want the Medicaid expansion, but state lawmakers say there just isn’t money available. The hospitals have been put between a rock and a hard place, since Obamacare phases out funding for hospitals that serve low-income, uninsured patients in an attempt to force the state to pay for it.
That is the entire Obamacare agenda. By forcing hospitals to care for people who are low-income, the federal government hopes to leverage the states. If the states refuse, the federal government cuts off funding but retains the regulations, forcing hospitals into bankruptcy. Then Democrats can claim that the private system has failed to provide for those needy folks, and enact a public option.

Of course,  hospitals are required by law to accept all who come to their facilities for emergency care.  While ObamaCare promises to give the states 19 dollars for every dollar they spend on the Medicaid exchanges,  it does not promise such support “in perpetuity.”  In fact,   no one in government knows how much the current level of promised support will be.  As a result,  the Federal Government cannot make a “forever” promise when it comes to saddling the states with the primary cast of the program.  All experts know that the Feds will abandon “full support,”  cutting its aid to the states by as much as 50% or more.  That eventual decision,  will bankrupt those states agreeing to the Fed’s new “bait and switch” program. If the states deny the exchanges,  the bankruptcy will not be shared by them - it will all be on the Democrat written ObamaCare.  

As far as “the public option” is concerned,    in case you missed it,  the November 6 election sealed the process moving forward to a public option.  It is only a matter of time before that is a demonstrable fact.  Ditto for those dreaded death panels.   Under ObamaCare,  private insurance companies are  [already] bound by the same regulations as those companies in the several state exchanges.  In time,  they will have no choice but to bow to Federal rule and centralized health control will become a historical reality,  a fiat accompoli by fiat,  if you will. 

And to think,  that Medicare/Medicaid is 38 trillion in debt,  as I write this article.  

Like I have said from the beginning of this debate,  "math" has nothing to do with anything the Dems think to do and nothing is more to this point,  than ObamaCare.  

It is about to drag us all down,  but,  according to Obama's stated sense of "fairness,"  we all must sink or swim together.  Can anyone say,  "Help,  we are downing ??!!"

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