Now, he has sold out the children of the world. With a second term term, we wonder "what or who is next?"

<<<<   He was taught by the most influential American revolutionary of our time and here is the end came:  

The fact that Obama cannot do anything “straight up” and linear in its purpose is one of the most disturbing aspects of his “style” of governance,  not to mention an expression of his personality.  “Two faced”  pretty much captures this man’s persona . . . . . . .Case in point is the following story: 

U.S. President Barack Obama issued a new executive order last week to fight human trafficking, touting his administration's handling of the issue.
"When a little boy is kidnapped, turned into a child soldier, forced to kill or be killed -- that's slavery," Obama said in a speech at the Clinton Global Initiative. "It is barbaric, and it is evil, and it has no place in a civilized world. Now, as a nation, we've long rejected such cruelty."
But for the third year in a row, Obama has waived almost all U.S. sanctions that would punish certain countries that use child soldiers, upsetting many in the human rights community.   Late Friday afternoon [Sept 28], Obama issued a presidential memorandum waiving penalties under the Child Soldiers Protection Act of 2008 for Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen, penalties that Congress put in place to prevent U.S. arms sales to countries determined by the State Department to be the worst abusers of child soldiers in their militaries. The president also partially waived sanctions against the Democratic Republic of the Congo to allow some military training and arms sales to that country. . . . read the full article here,   in Foreign Policy.  

The fact of the matter is obvious,  the man cannot be trusted in anything he says,  and that includes all of what he has to say during this campaign season.  No president has broken as many promises as Barry Hussein.  For his money,  campaign promises are only rhetorical bridges to his next term.  

He is promising “12 million new jobs,” something he took out of his back side  shortly after Romney began talking about the same thing.  He is going to reduce the cost of college,  but,  of course,  that is what he said last time.  He is going to “get immigration done,”  but,  of course,  that is what he said,  last time.  He is going to fix ObamaCare,  but,  of course, that is not what he did,  last time.  He claims to sponsor support for our teachers and the centralized government schools so many of them are forced to work for,  but,  would not dream of sending his own children to those same schools.   As to his version of Christianity,  one online Christian commentary has this to say about Obama's claim to be "Christian" versus his persistent attacks on that faith, "To dump on people one day, then ask them to vote for you the next is insulting"  (link).   His duplicitous stance on health care reform is no longer debatable  and his tow-faced and cowardly treatment of the growing Libyan Embassy Scandal is no longer a debatable reality.   And now,  he speaks of his concern for children and human rights,  but does nothing,  in hard decisions,  to back up that concern,  to make it real . . . .  three years running.  Jerk. 

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