First impressions. Romney won . . . . . . . . . big !!

<<<< Proof that Obama lost this debate?  Tonight,  I could not find a single picture on Google of Obama and Romney with Obama looking down and Romney talking directly to Barry O. I found this one on Drudge.  

Bill Mayer tweeted:  Looks like Obama really does need his teleprompter.

James Carville:  “I wanted to stay away from this conclusion,  but it looked like Romney wanted to be here and Obama did not.”

Anderson Cooper:  he spent most of the night looking down, Romney spend his time talking directly to the president.  

Frank Luntz,  a pollster making appearances on Fox and CNN,  had a group of voters,  something in the neighborhood of 29 undecided voters.  Thirteen had voted for Obama,  only two felt comfortable doing so tonight,  after this debate.  One voter said,  “Up until tonight,  Obama has defined Romney.   A member of Luntz's focus group made this statement, "Tonight,  Romney defined Romney,”  and virtually the entire group agreed.

Over at MSNBC,  there was an admission of sorts,  that Romney had won this debate.  Al Sharpton thought Obama was playing “rope a dope,”  letting Romney over commit  --  an “admission of sorts” that Romney won the night.  

Mayor Giuliani:  Obama was the student,  Romney was the teacher.


Andrew Sullivan:  Leftist blogger at the Daily Beast,  angrily said,  "This was a disaster."  

Chris Matthews at MSNBC,  simply  said,  "What was he [Obama] doing?"  

Ed Shultz:  "I was absolutely stunned,  tonight.  The President was off his game." 

Van Jones:  "Romney 'out Obama' Obama,"

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