The children running this nation believe that tweets and phone messaging are better and more efficient than face to face diplomacy.

Count the number of strategic answers Gibbs tries to present to Chris Wallace.  If you believe with Gibbs and Obama,  that an effective diplomacy can be advanced via phones, tweets and whatever,  we are all in trouble.   

<<<<   Update:  I count 5 different strategic answers ignored by Chris Wallace,  and a sixth argument that asserted Obama's task of demanding action from other countries was fully satisfied vIa phone conversations.  No reason was given why Obama had not planned a single high level meeting for this week,  when most world leaders will be "in town."  Incredible.  

Original text:  
We have turned the White House over to a group of immature and very old group of children.  This is a week when the UN is in session.  Obama should be as busy as possible  trying to reel in Iran,  deal with the divide in Egypt and Libya,  talk some sense into the leaders of Syria,  confer with Chinese leaders as to our trade differential,  and advance the investigation into the murders of American in BOTH Egypt and Libya. 

Understand that face to face diplomacy gives the participants the value of interpreting body language,  an essential aspect of verbal communication:   

 “Non –verbal communication is behavior other than spoken or written communication that creates or represents meaning. In other words, it includes facial expression, body movements, and gestures. Non verbal communication is talking without speaking a word. It is very effective, may be even more so than speech.” (Link)

Question: does this president not know the truth of the above statement?  Is there no one in his Administration who believes in one on one diplomacy?  

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