The survey shows that the race remains close among likely
voters, with Obama at 49 percent and Romney at 48 percent, virtually
unchanged from a poll taken just before the conventions.
But among a wider sample of all registered voters, Obama
holds an apparent edge, topping Romney at 50 percent to 44 percent,
and has clear advantages on important issues in the campaign when compared with
his rival. . . . . (Source: here at the Washington Post).
Editor’s notes:
indeed, Obama has energized his
base, somewhat; enough to drive them to the voting booth on November
6? Maybe not.
Look, there are
several ways a Progressive can represent polling data; one is to simply lie about the results, a strategy that used far and wide within the
Democrat Cabal. Secondly, they can survey more Democrats than
Republicans, something that is done in
90% of all Progressive polling. Third, they can survey the population in general, by asking whoever picks up the
phone, “Do you prefer Obama or
Romney . . . you may win a prize if you say ‘Obama’ “ Fourth,
ditto the above but without the bribe.
Fifth, They can survey “registered
voters,” another insidious polling
strategy, one that is similar to polling
the general population. Understand that 40%
of “registered voters” do not vote. Finally,
they can be half way honest and survey “likely voters” in nominally
equal numbers.
The Washington Post presents two of these
alternatives. In the first, ;ikely voters, Obama and Romney are in a virtual tie . . . .
. . before and after the national conventions.
In the other, "registered voters," Obama has a lead. What the reader may not know is that Obama
has held a lead with “registered voters” in nearly all the polls, to date.
This is not a new development nor one that has been created because of
the conventions.
In the end, and
per a Left Wing, Progressive rag (the Post), there is no more a bounce for Obama among the
people who count and are counted, than
there was for Romney, unless you want to count the 11 point surge of
Independents for Romney, after the
Point of post: if
you are conservative and worried, it is
far to early to get worried. Is Romney
what we prefer? Nope, but he has proven that he is more
conservative than in times past. Let’s
not forget that conservatives are driving the GOP and we will not vote in the
midterms if the GOP returns to their evil,
compromising ways . . . . . . .
. but I think the McRINO’S know
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