Oooops.  Billy Bob left out something.  All of his accomplishments,  those 22 million jobs before the 12 million dot com collapse,  the balance budgets,  welfare reform,  was all accomplished with the advice and consent of a Republican Congress.  Lesson learned?  Unlike Obama,  B Clinton did not function as a dictator. (no article).


  1. That's all you got? Billy's just shot down every Republican for the last 5 decades and all you got is that Billy worked with Republicans? Actually I recall the Rebulicants obstructing Billy at nearly every turn just like they have Obama. Billy got shit done in spite of Republican meddling and stupid antics. He was just better at showing them up to the American people than Obama is. They didn't work with him because they wanted to, they did it because they didn't have a choice.

    Billy and Obama - 10
    John Smithson - 1
    Romney - negative 10

  2. Well, I guess I will put you down for a "no" on Romney. Still, what I said was true. Apparently you forgot that it was the American people who told Billy to take a hike and FORCED him to change direction or kiss a second term good-bye.

    You and I were both there, in the 1990's, but it looks like I was the only running around sober. You don't remember the ass-licking the people gave the Democrats in 1994? Whatever, dude.
