Obama's bounce is 3 points and has "stabilized." Always remember, "What goes up must come down."

Fox reported, this morning,  a five point separation between Romney and Obama on Rasmussen.  In fact,  the September 10 chart,  below,  shows a three point lead, the same separation as yesterday.  Note that Romney is on the rebound as well.  Understand that national polls are not nearly as important as state polling.  Both Romney and Obama have hit the "50%" mark during this campaign season.  One more note:  in the last two national elections,  the party with the second convention got the strongest bounce.  This bounce may be more a function of timing than anything.  We  will know before the end of this week.  Understand that 52% of those polled feel worse about Obama than when he was elected.  Sit tight;  we have a long way to go.  


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