Obama campaigns on anti-free speech issues while claiming to be an "in touch" politician.

While on the campaign trail,  yesterday (Friday),  Obama demonstrated his ability to be remarkable out of touch with reality. 

First,  he called for the passage of the so-called “Disclose Act,”  which would require donor disclosure of all concerns that donate more than $10,000.  Of course,  this is not about “fairness”  but about giving the Democrats the ability to single out all donors opposing their (the Democrats) agenda with a view to reprisals  and boycotts.  In short,  the Left has a strategy that includes the total destruction of all disagreeable businesses and their owners.
I am for transparency but not when that information can and will be used to boycott folks into oblivion.  Free speech is not protected speech when folks are free to destroy those who disagrees. 

Secondly,  Obama proposed (yesterday) an amendment to the US Constitution to prohibit the free political speech endeavors of corporations,  excluding unions, 501-c3 and similar organizations.  Not going to happen. 
Such an amendment would require a 2/3 vote of both houses of congress and 2/3  vote of the 50 states.    As an alternative,  2/3 of all states can ask congress for a constitutional convention and deal with the issue in that venue.   Neither avenues require the approval of the president,  whoever that might be. 

Whatever the process,  this issue is so caustic,  politically,  that one wonders why Obama even brought up the matter.  In short, his ideas do not have one chance in 700 hells of passage. 

It just goes to show us all 1) how out of touch Obama and the Dems with popular opinion  and, 2) how much Obama disagrees with the fundamental liberties upon which this nation was founded.  

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