No wonder the military despises the Commander In Chief. He doesn't have their back - and is leaving them to die without air support.

<<<<<  Soldiers of the 505th Infantry Regiment can no longer call for   air support.  Maybe you should read this letter and write someone
who cares.  For damn sure ,  that is not Obama.  

Click and read this letter !!!! 

Dear Dad

. . . . . . . . . . . . . The very presence of aircraft over our foot patrols has also saved lives and now our chain of command is being told by our political leadership that this is now not allowed.  If we are not partnering with the ANSF and we are not actively patrolling to prevent our enemies from massing their attacks on our COP and we can’t drop a bomb on the enemy that we have positively identified, than what the hell are we doing here?  . . . . . . . . . . . . I love you very much Dad and I don’t want you to worry about me any more than you already are, but I also know that this has to be brought up, someone has to say something about this. It is wrong to keep this hidden away while American soldiers are under constant threat of death and dying.  I don’t care if you send this letter directly, this needs to be known.

You should take time to click on the site,  Michael Yon Online to read the full letter from one of stranded in Afghanistan soldiers.   

Your son,
[In Afghanistan]

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