How bad is a radicalized jihad world force? Here is the answer.

<<<<<<  The sign reads,  "We are ready for Jihad."  So,  why is this not more important than winning an election or balancing our books? If we are all dead,  what difference does it make?  And where is Obama when we need a president,  most?  

PARIS (Reuters) - A French magazine ridiculed the Prophet Mohammad on Wednesday by portraying him naked in cartoons, threatening to fuel the anger of Muslims around the world who are already incensed by a California-made video depicting him as a lecherous fool.
The drawings in the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo risked exacerbating a crisis that has seen the storming of U.S. and other Western embassies, the killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and a deadly suicide bombing in Afghanistan.

Thoughts:  after reading the excerpt, above,   from Yahoo News,  you’re probably going to think,  “Here we go again.” At least that was my first thought. 

The second thought that crossed my mind,  was the irreverence expressed in this world for my Prophet and King.  Laugh all you want,  the fact is,  millions reverence the Nazarene.  When they piss on his cross and support that effort with my tax dollars,  me and my friends get angry and  . . . . . . well   . . . . . . . . . .  that’s about it. 

Far worse than the picture of a naked Mohammad is the picture,  in my mind,  of a group of Muslim men sodomizing an American Ambassador before killing him.  Bastards all. 

My temperament allows me to  say “Viva la France” just to be cute,  but really,  it isn’t cute.  If this was just about insulting those who have bastardize the whole idea of “God,” I would help draw the picture,  myself,  but it is about lives lost and a continuing war (the Muslim jihad) against the world.  And,  in this case, "the world" includes all Muslims who do not want jihad,  all Buddhists, all communists,  all Eskimos,  all Democrats (including those who don't believe we have a problem),  everyone living in Hollywood and a number of folks in my ex-wife's family.   

If we play with the numbers,  for a moment,  one gets a better picture of what we are up against.  

Some argue that less than 20% of these people are into violence and hatred.  We have seen the signs of those who stand in the middle of the Egyptian streets,  declaring “This is not our Muslim faith,”  good people who do not what war.   But it is their mess and they have to clean it up or, at least, help. 

Just to be clear about the magnitude of this growing problem:    

If there are 1.5 billion Muslims,  world wide,  20% equals 300 million or the entire population of the United States.  Of course,  10% would give us 150 million jihadist;  5% equals 75million murdering Muslims; and 1 % gives us 15 million nut case jihadists running around the globe  --  larger than all the armies of  this world combined;  half of one percent of 1.5 billion Muslims  gives us an army of 7.5 million radicals.  Am I getting close to a serious,  working percentage? 

Anyone think it a good idea to sit around and wait for this bunch of radicalized killers to arm themselves with nuclear weaponry?  They are a cancer in the world’s existential fabric and must be weeded out or killed and we must figure out a way, diplomatically speaking,  to work with the Muslim nations of this world to end the radicalization process that is producing hundreds of thousands (potentially speaking) of jihadists.  Either that,  or blow the Muslim world to hell and back.  What works best for this world, you tell me.  

If you disagree,  ask yourselves this:  “What would our four diplomats say,  if they could talk?”  If you still disagree,  please don’t vote in the next American election. 

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