A loosely stated timeline of the Libyan massacre, the most profound foreign policy scandal of modern times . . . . and the socialist media continues to talk about Romany's campaign.

In the statement, CNN's representative said: "We think the public had a right to know what CNN had learned from multiple sources about the fears and warnings of a terror threat before the Benghazi attack which are now raising questions about why the State Department didn't do more to protect Ambassador Stevens and other US personnel," the representative said "Perhaps the real question here is why is the State Department now attacking the messenger."  In the aftermath of the Libyan disaster,  CNN reporters entered the unsecured embassy and found a diary with 7 pages of notes from Ambassador Stevens,  notes that spoke of his fear of having been targeted by alQeada.  The network used this information in its reporting,  following the consulate's attack,  and has come under fire from both the Ambassador's family and the State Department.  

While I am no fan of CNN,  I must tell you that,  in this case,  their use of the diary and reporting on the Ambassador's comments, is timely and necessary.   We have watched as the Obama Administration has lied itself into a huge foreign policy scandal, perhaps the largest such scandal in modern history.  There is nothing,  not a single detail,  that the State Department and the Administration has not lied about.  

From the beginning,  Barack Hussein Obama chose campaigning and party time over the expanding crisis in the Middle East. 12 days later,  he continues to lie and party with the help of every media outlet from NBC to Fox News.   After finding out about the deaths of our diplomats,  Obama decided to go to a fund raiser and the complicit Hillary Clinton,  proved herself to be a disgusting part of the evolving cover-up.  

The Cairo embassy was attacked the morning of 9/11; one American diplomat was killed,  a fact that continues to be ignored in our media,  not to mention the dissentients  within our Administration.  

Rather than tie the Cairo attacks to the 10th anniversary of 9/11  -  an obvious no-brainer  -  the Commander in Chief of the United States of America pursued  a "domestic policy" of yukking it up on the campaign trail.  No show of concern,  no believable expression of grief throughout the day,  as his State Department moved to make announcements designed to pacify  the American people as it ignored the significance of the day,  the signs that said "We are 1.5 billion Osama bin Ladens," all while blaming a film that no one has seen;    a film that first made a showing in Los Angeles back in late June. And they [the State Department, et al ) would have gotten away with this deception,  but for the events later that same day and a growing cadre of evidence proving the utter incompetence of this Administration and its total misunderstanding the Muslim problem in the Middle East.    

At 9:35 that evening,  the 10th anniversary of 9/11,  a group of Islamist commandos should up at the Libyan embassy,  began an attack,  separated our Ambassador and another American,  Sean Smith,  from two ex-Navy Seal.  The two Seals were in Libya working on separate assignments.  They made their escape and wound up six blocks away,  at a safe house.  Their location was outed by Libyan police.  They were captured and killed.  

The Ambassador was sodomized before being strangled to death.  

Before the  attack began,  Sean Smith had texted a friend,  telling him of  "police" taking pictures of the compound and stating words to this effect,  "I don't know if I will survive the night."  He did not. Sean was killed along with the Ambassador.   

Hillary immediately went to the first open mic,  told America of the attack, that a mob spilling over from the demonstrations in Cairo,  angry at an anti-Islamic film had attack the embassy.  She went on to  make the claim that the Ambassador had been wounded and had died in-route to the hospital,  as Libyan forces tried to save his life.  

None of that was true.  Whether or not this was all a lie,  it certainly was all wrong,  and,  in time,  became a lie.  

There was no mob.  We have a video proving this.  The Administration persisted in this lie until the video began to make its rounds some eight days after the murders.  

The anti-Islamist film  was, indeed,  used by militant Islamist but the 10th anniversary of 9/11 cannot be ignored except by the Marxist partisans in the press and all of the Obama Administration, nor can the Convention claims of the Administration,  "Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive," be extracted from the equation  -  especially in view of signs carried by the demonstrations,  as noted above and [also], including,  "We are all  Osama bin Ladens."  

Our Marxist media is working to white wash this fact from the record as the Administration has suddenly stopped using the Biden phrase,  spoken at the Democrat convention more than 20 times.  

Last Sunday,  Susan Rice,  Ambassador to the UN,  made all of the talk shows,  and faulted the attack on a flash mob armed with weapons left behind after the Libyan rebellion against Gadaffi,  angry at an insensitive film made in this country three to four months ago.  Why she made the rounds rather than the Secretary of State is not known.  Why the Administration silenced the press,  making statements that "no further questions would be taken."    They used an "ongoing FBI investigation"  as a cover for not taking questions.  

You should know that Obama made the claim that the two Navy Seals were part of a security force,  when that was a open and blatant lie.  They were not.  In fact,  there as no security unit -  not one security agent - at the embassy on the night it was attacked.  

No one asked why Susan Rice was talking while the "investigation" was under way.  No one made not of the fact that the FBI was not in Libya at the time of the Sunday statements by Rice.  

As I write,  a week later,  the FBI is in Libya, alright,   but in Tripoli,  not Benghazi,  more than 900 miles to the east.  

No one has asked why the FBI are there instead of the CIA.  "Is the Administration now treating terror as a criminal enterprise ?"  . . . . .  that question has yet to be asked by the shameful stooges in our media.  

Conclusions:  You are looking at a huge scandal,  all while the media continues to be horrified by a secret and edited tape of Romney at a campaign dinner five months ago.  If you think the rape and murder of our Ambassador,  and the others,  left alone in an embassy without guards or any fortification whatsoever has a certain equivocalness with a poorly worded campaign statement,  you are an absolute moron or a fellow One Worlder socialist.  Read that last statement outloud,  and,  this time,  take it personal.  

This should make us all furious.  

Update:  you should also know that the internet has been washed of all pictures of demonstrators carrying signs that read "It is Obama's fault,"  "We are all Osama bin Ladens," and "We are 1.5 billion Osama bin Ladens."  Again,  these signs are nowhere to be found on the web.  Instead,  you have pictures of a few dozen Muslim here and there,  with signs apologizing to America.  

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