This one minute plus, video of JFK, is why I was once a Democrat.

"They" keep saying,  "Reagan could not survive in the GOP of today."  Laying aside the fact that those preaching such nonsense hated  -  absolutely hated - Ronald Reagan,  we remind them that John F. Kennedy would have been very much at home in the GOP of 2012.  This short video is a reminder of what John Kennedy cared about.  B Obama would never call out the communist of today,  in the  terms used by JFK.  Obama would never say,  "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask, 'what can I do for my country.' "  And why?  Because this is  all crap to our first Rogue President.  

In 1963,  President Kennedy was murdered by members of the mafia,  the same mafia used by the CIA in its clandestined war against despots in foreign countries.  Before his death,  he and his Attorney General,  Robert Kennedy,  had singled out a dozen crime "families,"  and intended on putting them out of business.  In 1961,  Robert ordered the kidnapping of a mafia crime boss named Marcello,  "arrested" as he entered a restaurant,  placed in a small plane and flown to Central America,  where he was taken in the Guatemala jungles and left to die.  Instead of dying,  Marcello survived and was the only individual I know,  who openly talked about killing Kennedy.  

Before he was murdered,  President Kennedy established the peace corps  (pronounced "core" for all you Obamanites, out there),  cut the income tax rate from 90% to 70%,  and decided to bring home the 1,000 advisors in Viet Nam.  That last order was reversed by LBJ as his first declaration (an executive order, btw)  following the death of his president.  Viet Nam was a Democrat war used by reprobate,  Richard Nixon,  used for political purposes.   Clearly,  JFK was no modern day Democrat.  The Democrat Party has never been the same.  

End notes:
Here is a blog I found in my recent surfing expedition:   Voting Female.

JFK was killed on November 22, 1963,  the same day CS Lewis passed into the next life.

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