The wheels are coming off the Obama Express.

Romney is facing attacks from Obama for his taxes,  Bain Capital,  his flap with the Brits over Olympic security preparations,  his supposed “war against women.” 

Obama’s problems are much more serious, but are not being reported by his Compliant Media. 

Most recently,  there is the NBC/WSJ poll that gave Obama a 6 point lead while interviewing 11% more Democrats than conservatives . . . . in other words,  Romney won that poll.

Obama’s popularity within the military has fallen to a 59/35 split with his “approval” rating being the lower total,  an embarrassing divide for one who masquerades as the Commander In Chief.

Middle Class blue collar white men’s support for Obama has fallen from 36% in 2008,  to 26% today,  a record low mark for a Democrat candidate.  Walter Mondale  in a loss to Reagan back in '88,  scored a 31% approval rating just before the election and won only one state plus the District of Columbia.  98 million Americans voted in that election. Mondale won just 40 million of that total.  Obama is on pace to duplicate the Mondale defeat.

Obama was caught in a lie regarding the Churchill Bust.  That story was reported here.  The Brits proved him wrong, in this case.

Obama was caught in a lie regarding his “Dreamer Act.”  That story was reported here.  The Border Patrol and ICE proved him wrong,  in this instance.

He claimed that his economic plan worked,  in one of the most bizarre lies of the campaign.  The workforce is smaller than before he took office.  There are fewer jobs available that before.  

More people are out of work than in June of 2009.  

His “8.2%” unemployment percentage is a phony number.  It does not count the 8 million Americans who are no longer looking for work, folks who have given up entirely,  If we count those folks,  as we did in 2009,  the unemployment rate would be a whopping 11.3% .   Unemployment has not gone down at all and more and more voters are being made aware of this fact.

The business community disapproves of Obama 59 to 36 percent  -  another record low,  a disparity that will not be repaired before the election. 

This past week, we learned that  enthusiasm for his campaign compared to the patriot community,  leans Right by a margin of 51 to 39 percent  -  another devastating stat.

On Bain Capital,  a full 60% believe Romney’s defense.

His argument that others worked as hard as the successful business owner,  that others contributed more to the owner’s success than the effort of the owner,  himself,  that “If you got a business,  you didn’t build that;  somebody else did that,”  that argument found 73% of the nation disagreeing with the wannabe businessman,  Barack Hussein Obama.    


  1. As Ohio goes, so goes Romney ... in the shitter.

    How's it look?

  2. Week after week, bad news upon bad news. Must be a real pisser for tent people such as yourself.
