The foreigners within our midst, attack Romney for his popular use of the phrase "Anglo Saxon."

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<<<< First self-propelled tank,  built by the Yankess for use in the civil war  -- you know,  that war where thousands of crackers died for the freedom of the black slave population.  (the tank never made it to the battlefield). 

Read our extensive update at article's end.

By Judd Legum on Jul 24, 2012 at 9:57 pm  Think Progress.
Romney Adviser Says Obama Doesn’t ‘Fully Appreciate’ Our ‘Anglo-Saxon Heritage’    An adviser to Mitt Romney told a London paper that Obama has not been an effective partner for Britain because he doesn’t “fully appreciate” America’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage.” The racially tinged comments come hours before Romney lands in London for a series of high level meetings and the opening of the Olympic Games. . . .   

Editor's comments:   I am 67.  Back in the day,  nearly all “social studies” classes included commentary about our  “Anglo/Saxon” roots.  Today,  50/60 years later, the foreigners from the Left,  have decided that such a designation ["Anglo Saxon"] is sheer racism – I mean,  “they” are talking about  ‘white people,’  for gawd sakes.  These people are anti-colonialist,  folks who despise our heritage and hate the “traditional or historic United States of America.”  Obama and his revolutionist wife fall into this category.  Listen to her very words as you ask yourself,  “Why do these people want to move America away from its very history?” 

Her words: 

May of 2008 - MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."  (never mind the fact that her husband's election gave her a sense of pride in this country for the first time in her life).

Indeed,  racism as relates to American blacks was/is a fact of life.  But,  so too is the black hatred for Jews and whites,  and societal hatred for Sicilian Italians or the “Chinaman rail road worker” or the American Indian.  

Unfortunately,  racism is a part of the human condition,  regardless as to whether a particular “racist” is part of the majority or not  . . . . . .  but not all of any class can be described as racist.  Not all whites hate blacks (you are looking at 2% of the white population are haters),  not all blacks hate the “cracker” in spite of the fact that nearly all blacks will laugh at racist cracker jokes, the American Chinese community has moved on from its period of victimhood in totality as have the Irish and Italians,  and, most of the American Indian population thinks kindly of its ethnic neighbors, and,  never mind the national conversation regarding the women’s vote or her place in business and politics. 

Understand that it is the function of America’s enemies to speak only of past inequities while ignoring the solutions to those inequities.  Such is traitorous and wholly unacceptable. 

Michelle Obama’s summary of the Obama agenda [remember,  she is an "Obama"] is the summary of a couple who hates our colonial, Anglo Saxon, roots and the economic systems attached to that concept.  Understand that Obama has actually told voters that the free market system  (he calls it “trickle down economics”) never  worked  . . . . an idiot’s statement,  one that totally ignores an American exceptionalism that benefits more of the middle class than any other nation in this world. The reader cannot name an exception,  if the national population has any size at all.  

Point of post:  just to add a little context to the comments of those who hate this nation’s beginnings and the political realities that have been borne of that experience.   The writers at Think Progress are part of that population and help to define the enemy within.  

Updated for 'end notes' :  this anti-colonial attitude is at the heart of Jeremiah Wright's Black Liberation Theology, or Wright's good friend (seriously) Louis Farrakhan and all his racist rhetorical crap, or Obama's partnership in the so-called "million man" New Black Muslim march,   or Al Sharpton's many references to the white man as "cracker,"  or Chris Rock's "Happy white man's Independence Day"  or Morgan Freeman's racist attitude as to those who oppose Obama,  or Harry Belafonte's demonstrable hatred for anyone "white" or Maxine Waters' love for communist leadership (I have Castro in mind) and all things "anti-American," or Eric Holder's accusation that when it comes to race,  America is "a nation of cowards"  ---  friends of Obama all.   

I can produce a list of exceptional black leaders in both parties,  and I have in times past.  But,  instead of electing one of those folks,  we had to elect an anti-colonial, one world,  open borders adherent with an anti-Constitutional bias and deep feelings - "angst" if you will - against those in the patriot white community (you know,  those who cling to their guns and religion).  Along the way,  this "pro-American"  impostor lost track of the fact that it was a Democrat Party that enslaved his own people,  butchered them via KKK policy,  started the Civil War,   elected two presidents who segregated the military in times of war (Woodrow Wilson - WW I - and FDR in WW II,  both Democrats) and was finally forced to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because of a growing social angst after rejecting the same GOP legislation back in the mid-1950's under Eisenhower's Administration.  

Maybe next time,  and there will be a next time,  we can elect someone who cares for his own people AND the historicity of this great but imperfect nation.  

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