Armbruster / ThinkProgress:
McConnell Can't Answer How GOP Will Insure Americans After Repealing ObamaCare: ‘That Is Not The Issue’
McConnell Can't Answer How GOP Will Insure Americans After Repealing ObamaCare: ‘That Is Not The Issue’
Since the Supreme Court last week upheld the Affordable Care
Act, Republicans have been scrambling for a response. Without much to say now
that the law has been ruled constitutional, the GOP has fallen back on its pledge to repeal ObamaCare. However, the new health care law provides 30 million Americans with access to health insurance. So how do
Republicans plan to replace this key feature if they repeal? . . . . . . .
Of course, the foreigners at Think
Progress care nothing for the truth
- only that the means they use, justify
the end results “progressives” have in mind for this country and that is national membership
into the One World stage. In this case,
they ignore the fact that Mitch McConnell made it clear that the
insurance of the “30 million” mentioned by Chris Wallace is, by all rights, a states issue.
In the Think Progressive/Commie One World article, the author misses the point that coverage of
the 30 million is accomplished as these folks are moved into Medicare and
Medicare/Medicaid is managed [in part] by the individual states!!!.
Understand that we did not need
the ObamaCare Tax Act to insure these 30 million, we only needed an order for coverage sent to
the Medicare folks, which is exactly
what Obama did. We did not need to add 160 new federal agencies or write 100,000 regulations or install a panel of non-medical overseers.
Never mind that the 30 million
were/are covered already as they flood ER facilities throughout the nation. Nothing has changed in that regard, by the way.
Our ER facilities will continue to be inundated with the poor and illegal’s.
In the end, this notion that ObamaCare was needed IN ADDITION TO MEDICARE, is an outright lie. We have been played, folks, and,
You heard this first at Midknight Review
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